
我初三 英语一点不会
我想重头补习 有没有那种0基础的语法书?
比较通俗易懂的 难得我根本就看不懂

  1、 1)主语和谓语基本保持单复数的一致,即:主语是可数名词单数或不可数名词时,谓语动词用单数形式:The computer was a great invention.(计算机是个了不起的发明)The water in the glass is very cold.(玻璃杯力的水很冷)
  2)集体名词(如family, class, team, group, row, police, school等)做句子主语时,
  ①如果表示整体概念,则谓语用单数形式,如:Class Three is a very good class.(三班是个好班)
  ②如果表示其中的所有成员时,则谓语用复数形式,如:Class Three have a map of China. (三班有张中国地图)
  3)Chinese,Japanese,fish,sheep,people等表示单个时谓语用单数,表示许多时,谓语用复数。如:There is a sheep in the yard.(院子里有只绵羊)/ There are some sheep in the yard.(院子里有一些绵羊)
  4)maths,news等虽然有s结尾,但不是复数,因此谓语仍用单数:The news is very exciting. (这个消息令人兴奋)
  5)glasses,shoes,socks,trousers,gloves等名词往往用复数形式,故谓语用复数。如:The trousers are very cheap and I want to take them.(裤子很便宜,我想买)
  6)a lot of 后跟名词复数时谓语用复数形式,跟不可数名词时谓语用单数形式。如:A lot of students are playing baseball now.(现在有许多学生在打垒球)A lot of time was wasted on that work.(大量的时间花在了那个工作上)(被动句)
  7)and 连接两个名词做主语时,谓语原则上用复数,但是两个名词若构成一个整体事物时,谓语则用单数。如:The teacher and his son are picking apples now.(老师和他的儿子在摘苹果) Fish and chips is very famous food. (鱼和薯条是一种出名的食品)
  8) there be 句型中be的单复数一般由靠近的名词决定。如:There is a table and four chairs in the room.(房间里有一张桌子和四张椅子)
  9)用both…and…连接两个事物做主语时,谓语一般用复数。如:Both you and I are required to be here tomorrow.(你和我明天要求都来)
  10)主语中含有with的短语时,谓语单复数由with之前的人物决定。如:A woman with a 7-year-old child was standing at the side of the road. (一名妇女带着一个七岁的孩子(当时)就站在路边)
  11)either…or…或者 neither…nor…连接两个人物做句子主语时,谓语采用就近原则。如:Either you or he is right.(要么是你对,要么是他对。/你和他有一个人是对的) / Neither you nor I am going there.(你和我都不打算去那里)
  12)表示一段时间或长度概念的复数名词做主语时,谓语一般用单数。如:Two months is not a short time.(两个月不是个短时间)Two thousand kilometers is quite a long distance(距离).(两千千米是相当长的一段距离)
  13)主语中含有half of… / (three quarters)of… / all (of) the ….等词语时,谓语的单复数由名词确定,如:Over three quarters of the information on the Internet is in English.(因特网上四分之三以上的信息是用英语写的) / A third of the students were playing near the lake.(学生的三分之一(当时)正在湖边玩耍) / All of the water in these rivers has been polluted.(这些河流中的水已经被污染了)(被动句)
  但是,population一词又有特殊情况: What’s the population of China?(中国人口是多少?)(句子用单数) / Three quarters of the population in this city are Arabs(阿拉伯人).(这个城市四分之三的人口是阿拉伯人)(句子用复数)

  语 法 结 构 ——时 态(时态上)
  现在 (study ,studies,am studying ,is studying ,are studying ,have studied ,has studied ,have been studying ,has been studying
  studied (was studying ,were studying ,had studied ,had been studying )
  将来 (shall study,will study ,shall be studying ,will be studying ,shall have studied ,will have studied ,shall have been studying ,will have been studying)
  过去将来 (should study, would study ,should be studying ,would be studying ,should have studied ,would have studied ,should have been studying ,would have been studying)
  1) In general 〔A〕 , newspapers emphasize current news, whereas 〔B〕 magazines dealt 〔C〕 more with 〔D〕 background materials.
  2) The adult mosquito usually lives for about 〔A〕 thirty days, although 〔B〕 the life span varied 〔C〕 widely with temperature, humidity, and other 〔D〕 factors of the environment.
  3) Industrial buyers 〔A〕 are responsible 〔B〕 for supplying 〔C〕 the goods and services that an organization required 〔D〕 for its operations.
  4) It is an accepted 〔A〕 custom in west countries that 〔B〕 men removed 〔C〕 their hats when a woman enters 〔D〕 the room.
  5) Certain layers of the atmosphere have special names .
  〔A〕which indicated their character properties
  〔B〕whose characteristic properties were indicating
  〔C〕what characterize their indicated properties
  〔D〕that indicate their characteristic properties
  The teacher told them since 〔A〕 light travels faster than 〔B〕 sound, lightning appeared 〔C〕 to go before 〔D〕 thunder.
  7) As 〔A〕 a child, I was told that 〔B〕 the planet earth, which has 〔C〕 its own satellite, the moon, moved 〔D〕 round the sun.
  四、祈使句必须用动词原形,其否定结构用“don't+动词原形”,如:Go and fetch some water. / Don't do that.
  五、在反义疑问句中,如果主句用肯定句,那么,反问句用否定形式;如果主句用否定形式,那么,反问句就用肯定形式。而且前后在时态上要一致。但祈使疑问句用won't you?进行反问。如:See a film tonight, won't you?
  注:① 祈使句后边可用附加疑问句,以加强语气。如果祈使句用肯定形式,附加疑问句用否定形式;如果祈使句用否定形式,附加句用肯定形式;如: Come here next Sunday, won't you? / Don't tell it to anyone, will you? ② 但如果祈使句的前一句有了表示强烈[ZZ(]肯定[ZZ)]的语言环境,即使祈使句用了肯定形式,其附加成分也可以用“will you”(表示肯定,如果是在口语中用降调)。如:Give me the book, will you?
  1) C错。“in general”表示“一般”,所以主句用一般现在时,并列从句的谓语也是表示一般性,所以C处也应用一般现在时,故将其改为deal,而不是过去时dealt。
  2) C错。本句的主从句中的“usually”表示“经常”,用一般现在时;而让步状语从句的谓语也是表示同一情况,所以也应当用一般现在时。故把C处的 varied改为varies。
  3) D错。本句表述的是一般状况,前面的主句用的是现在时,后面的定语从句也应用现在时,应将required改为 requires。
  4) C错。这里“it”是形式主语,代表主语从句“that…”,既然主句表示习惯(“an accepted custom”),那么谓语就应当用一般现在时,而不能用过去时。所以将C处的removed改为remove。
  5) D为正确答案。本句表述的也是自然现象,主句和从句都应用一般现在时,故A和B都不对;C不合语法,以“what”引导的从句不能作定语,只有D正确,这里“that”引导定语从句,修饰前边的名词“names”。
  6) C错。本句宾语从句所表述的是客观事实,即“…light travels faster than sound,”虽然主句谓语动词用的是过去式“told”,从句也要用一般现在时,所以把C处的appeared改为appears。
  7) D错。虽然主句的主语用了过去时“was told”,其宾语从句表示的是“地球绕着太阳转”这一客观规律,所以将D处的moved改为moves。注意:不能将C处的has改为had,因为这也是表示客观事实,也得用一般现在时。
  一、一般过去时主要表示过去某一时刻发生的动作或情况,句中通常有表示过去某一时刻的状语 a day ago, last week, in 1996, during the night, in anceint times等,表示“过多少时间之后”用after, 但在现在完成时中用in, 如in the past few years等
  1) How many people remember 〔A〕 listening 〔B〕 to Orson Welles' 1938 radio broadcast 〔C〕 , “ The War of the Worlds”, which convince 〔D〕 thousands that space aliens(外星人) had invaded the Earth?
  2) The instructor had gone over 〔A〕 the problems many times 〔B〕 before 〔C〕 the students will take 〔D〕 the final examination.
  3) Anthropologists agree 〔A〕 that our primitive ancestors 〔B〕 who inhabit 〔C〕 the tropics probably have natural protection against 〔D〕 the Sun.
  1) D错,改用过去时 convinced,因此处表述的是过去(1938年)所发生的情况,而现在则不是这样。“which”引导的从句修饰“…1938 radio breadcast”。
  2) D错。由于主句使用的是过去完成时,表示在 过去 的某一动作发生之前,本句中的“before…”从句引导一个表示过去的时间状语。所以状语从句的谓语应用过去时态,应把将来时“will take”改为一般过去时took,以便和主句的过去完成时呼应。
  3) C错,改为inhabited,既然是“我们的祖先 居住 的热带地区”,“居住”这一动作发生在过去,所以要用过去时。这里也要提醒大家:做语法题不仅要看特定的提示词如时间状语等,关键还在于读懂句子的意思。如,虽然本句的主语还是同一表示过去的名词主语“primitive ancestors”,其谓语动词就用现在时“have”。“我们的祖先有……”,这里的“有”,是现在我们看来的一种事实,所以用一般现在时。
  III 一般将来时
  1) But the weather experts 〔A〕 are now paying more attention to West Antarctic, which may be affected 〔B〕 by only a few degrees of warming: in other words, by a warming on the scale that would 〔C〕 possibly take place in the next fifty years from the burning 〔D〕 of fuels.(92年阅读理解题)
  2) If traffic problems are not solved soon 〔A〕 , driving 〔B〕 in 〔C〕 cities becomes 〔D〕 impossible.
  二、在表示时间和条件的状语从句中,一般现在时代替一般将来时。这些时间副词有when, as soon as等,表示条件的连词有if,as long as等。
  3 ) A desert area that has been 〔A〕 without water 〔B〕 for six years will still 〔C〕 bloom when rain will come 〔D〕 .
  4) Come and see me whenever .(84年考题)
  〔A〕 you are convenient 〔B〕 you will be convenient
  〔C〕 it is convenient to you〔D〕 it will be convenient to you
  5) The task is extremely difficult. If no one able to do it, we will have to find somebody else.
  〔A〕 were
  〔B〕 was
  〔C〕 is
  〔D〕 would
  注意:如果这些副词或连词引导的是名词从句作宾语而不是状语从句时,这些名词从句的谓语动词则用该用的时态:I don't know when he will come.而且表示将来的助动词will还可以用以条件从句中,译为“愿意、肯”等。
  We leave (are leaving) for California the day after tomorrow.我们(计划)后天动身去加利福尼亚州。
  May I have your attention please. The plane for Wuhan is about to take off.请注意,飞往武汉的飞机就要起飞了。
  四、另外,“be +to +动词原形”也可表示打算做的事,还可表示责任、意向和可能性
  You are to follow the doctor’s advice.你应遵从医嘱。
  No shelter was to be seen.找不到避难处。
  1) C错,改为will。本题有表示将来的时间状语“in the next fifty years…”,所以谓语用一般将来时。
  2) D错。由于从句中有表示时间的状语“soon”(不久,不远的将来),主句的谓语也是在这一时间发生,所以要用将来时,那么D改为will become。
  3) D错。本句主语是A desert area…will still bloom,状语从句是由when引导,表示“雨季到来时”,从句的谓语应用一般现在时表示将来,所以将C处的will come改为comes。
  4) 正确答案为C。本题除了时态上的问题(即不用一般将来时)之外还涉及到主语和它的表语的逻辑问题。根据上述语法特点,首先排除B和D;题中“convenient”是“方便的”之意。虽然汉语“在你方便的时候”,似乎“方便”的主语是“你”,但在英语中就不是那么回事儿,“convenient”的英文的解释是“(sth) suited to personal ease or comfort or to easy performance of some act or function”(某事或物对某人来说感到舒适或容易作),其主语应是“物”而不是“人”。本题应选C。所以学英语时,不仅要懂英语单词的汉语译文,更重要的是掌握英语单词的内涵与用法。建议身边备一个“英英”字典,如Longman Dictionary of Comtempory English。
  5) C为正确答案。理由同上
第1个回答  2008-10-10