
法官:全体起立,请当事人入庭。 (all rise, ?)


法官(judge):坐下( Be seated.)


法官:原告(accuser),你的姓名,职业。(State your full name and occupation.)

原告:your honor(回答)...

法官:被告(defendant),你的姓名,职业。(State your full name and occupation)




事情经过:2008.12.2 上午7点,一受惊吓的水牛闯入市区,在街上停留不去。最后警方到达,连开10枪将水牛击毙。此做法是非常的残忍的,引起动物爱护者的强烈抗议。












Judge: stand up, the parties into court. (All rise,?)

Judge: the case of all the parties present in court, court.

Judge (judge): sit down (Be seated.)

Judge: It is now checking the identity of the parties.

Judge: The plaintiff (accuser), your name, occupation. (State your full name and occupation.)

Plaintiff: your honor (to answer) ...

Judge: The defendant (defendant), your name, occupation. (State your full name and occupation)

The defendant: (answer) ...

Judge: First of all relevant facts stated by the plaintiff and claims.

The plaintiff:

After things: 2008.12.2 7:00, a frightened buffalo into the urban areas, do not stay on the street. The police finally arrived, even the gun will open 10 buffalo killed. This is a very cruel practice, the Prevention of Cruelty to animals caused by the strong protest.

Claims: 1. ** Decree of the accused for their actions to make a public apology to show respect for the dead animal's comfort. And after practicing for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

Judge: The defense carried out by the following reply, **, first of all express the views of your reply.

The defendant: the respect of judges, allow me to make what happened: At that time, buffalo in the middle of the road hit a motorcycle, and then rely on the road does not go, the traffic police rushed to the scene also can not hold water buffalo, as the Buffalo Du Lu, resulting in Serious traffic congestion. At about 9:30 or so, we arrived at the scene before the cattle killed.
I is responsible to the people. Buffalo at that time by a panic and out of control, and has been aggressive behavior. It even knocked down an electric car and a motorcycle, and rely on the road has not left, and urban traffic jams caused by more than 3 hours. More importantly, its people constitute a threat to his life at that time, I was no room for the slightest hesitation, our country has been implementing the people-oriented approach, so when people have been life-threatening, we should make every effort to The protection of human life and property. In addition, we have a witness - Buffalo at the time of the incident, one of the victims (victim).

Judge: Biography of witnesses.
Witness: the judge, I swear to tell the truth, but also that the integrity of the other said no. I was riding a motorcycle, a water buffalo suddenly washed over me North Korea, I had to be knocked down. I also damaged a motorcycle. I had to save one year of purchase, it is my tool to make a living ah. Natou mad, it deserve such a fate.

Plaintiff: Judge, I object to this insult to his animals.
Judge: to no avail.

Judges;, the court is now the end of the debate, you can mediate.

Judge: ** The plaintiff, you are not willing to accept mediation?

Plaintiff: do not agree.

Trial: the defendant **, you are willing to accept mediation it?

The defendant; do not agree.

Judge: In view of the two sides made it clear that the parties do not agree to mediation, the mediation of the court no longer work. The trial ended. Now adjourned. (Hammer blow Law)
第1个回答  2008-12-05