make a life和make a living有什么区别?


从释义,用法,使用环境,形象和影响范围五个维度分析make a life和 make a living的区别,详细内容如下。

1. 释义区别:

- Make a life: 意指创造、建立一种有意义、充实和满意的生活方式。

- Make a living: 意指通过工作或职业来谋生。


- Make a life: She decided to quit her job and travel the world to make a life filled with adventure and exploration.(她决定辞职,环游世界,过上充满冒险和探索的生活。)

- Make a living: He works as a graphic designer to make a living and support his family.(他从事平面设计师的工作来谋生并养家糊口。)

2. 用法区别:

- Make a life: 通常用作动词短语,用于描述创造、建立和塑造一个人的生活方式。

- Make a living: 通常用作动词短语,用于描述通过工作或职业来赚钱以维持生计。


- Make a life: They worked hard to make a life together, building a happy home and supportive community.(他们为了创造一种共同的生活努力工作,建立了一个幸福的家庭和支持性的社区。)

- Make a living: After losing his job, he had to find another way to make a living.(失业后,他不得不找到另一种谋生的方式。)

3. 使用环境区别:

- Make a life: 更多用于强调追求个人生活目标、满足内心需求和建立富有意义的生活。

- Make a living: 更多用于谈论职业、工作和实现经济生活所需的方面。


- Make a life: She decided to quit her corporate job and pursue her passion for art to make a life that aligns with her values.(她决定辞去公司的工作,追求自己对艺术的热爱,过上符合自己价值观的生活。)

- Make a living: He took a job as a waiter to make a living while studying in college.(他在大学期间找了份服务员的工作来维持生计。)

4. 形象区别:

- Make a life: 强调个人创造、建立和塑造生活的过程,注重生活方式的内容和体验。

- Make a living: 强调通过工作或职业来实现经济生计的行为,注重谋生的结果和实际效果。


- Make a life: They moved to a small coastal town to make a life filled with relaxation, beach walks, and fresh seafood.(他们搬到一个小的海滨城镇,过上充满放松、沿海散步和新鲜海鲜的生活。)

- Make a living: He works long hours to make a living and save money for his future plans.(他每天工作长时间来谋生,并为了将来的计划存钱。)

5. 影响范围区别:

- Make a life: 强调个人对于整体生活方式和生活质量的塑造和影响。

- Make a living: 强调对个体经济状况的影响和维系。


- Make a life: They made conscious choices to prioritize experiences and relationships to make a life of fulfillment and happiness.(他们做出有意识的选择,将经历和人际关系放在首位,过上充实和幸福的生活。)

- Make a living: The pandemic affected many businesses, making it difficult for people to make a living and support themselves.(疫情影响了许多企业,使人们难以谋生和维持生计。)
