

菜椒炒鸡蛋养生题目,这段话的英文翻译如下:As the saying goes, "Disease comes from the mouth", dietary therapy is a way to help and promote the body to be more optimized and healthier through dietary conditioning. First, we prepare some green peppers, 2 eggs, some salt, a little chicken essence and some cooking oil. First, we wash the green peppers and cut them into slices. Then we beat the eggs in a bowl and stir them evenly. Pour some cooking oil into the pot, first fry the eggs into golden brown for later use, then put some cooking oil in, put the green pepper in the pot, quickly stir-fry until soft, add salt, chicken essence, then pour the eggs into the pot, fry a few times and then take them out of the pot.
第1个回答  2021-12-02
As the saying goes, "diseases enter from the mouth", dietotherapy is a kind of health preserving method that helps and promotes the body to be more optimized and healthier through diet. First, we prepare the right amount of green peppers, 2 eggs, salt, chicken essence and edible oil. First, wash the green peppers, cut them into slices, then break the eggs in a bowl and stir them evenly. Pour some cooking oil into the pot, first fry the eggs into golden yellow for later use, then put some cooking oil into the pot, put the green peppers into the pot, quickly stir-fry until soft, add salt and chicken essence, then pour the eggs into the pot, stir-fry for a few times and you can get out of the pot.
第2个回答  2021-07-29
俗话说“病从口入”,食疗就是通过饮食调理身体,帮助和促进身体更优化、更健康的一种养生方法。 我们先准备适量的青椒,鸡蛋2个,盐适量,鸡精少许,食用油适量,先把青椒洗洗干净,切成片状,再把鸡蛋打散在碗中,搅拌均匀。锅中倒上一些食用油,先把鸡蛋煎成金黄色备用,再放点食用油进去,把青椒放锅中,快速的翻炒变软,加上盐,鸡精,再把鸡蛋倒入锅中,炒个几下就能出锅。

As the saying goes, "Illness comes from the mouth." Diet therapy is a way to regulate the body through diet and help and promote the body to be more optimized and healthier. We first prepare the right amount of green peppers, 2 eggs, the right amount of salt, a little chicken essence, and the right amount of cooking oil. First, wash the green peppers, cut them into slices, and then break the eggs in a bowl and stir well. Pour some cooking oil in the pan, first fry the eggs until golden brown for later use, then put some cooking oil in, put the green peppers in the pan, quickly stir fry to soften, add salt and chicken essence, and then pour the eggs into the pan. It will be out of the pot after a few frying.本回答被网友采纳
第3个回答  2021-12-21
俗话说“病从口入”,食疗就是通过饮食调理身体,帮助和促进身体更优化、更健康的一种养生方法。这句子的英文翻译是:As the saying goes, “Disease from the mouth”, dietary therapy is through the body, help and promote the body more optimized, a healthier regimen.
第4个回答  2021-12-21