求一首歌 忧伤还是快乐 英文版 原创的一段说唱的歌词带翻译


1. 网址链接可能不正确,请检查音乐文件的实际下载地址。
2. 歌词中存在错别字,例如“腔梁型”应为“强梁型”,“里天国”应为“天堂”。
3. 部分句子表达不够通顺,需要调整语序或用词,例如“Baby,你一个人在天国过的还好吗. I Miss You.” 可改为“Baby, 你一个人在天堂过得还好吗? 我 miss you.”
4. 时态需要统一,例如“不知不觉你离开我已经快一年了”应保持一致的过去时态。
5. 部分歌词内容可能存在文化差异或难以理解,例如“你扔下我一个人去了里天国”,可能需要进一步解释或修改以提升可读性。
6. 歌词中提到“开始下雪了”,但未提供该歌曲的相关信息,可能需要核对是否为另一首歌曲的内容。
7. 歌词的翻译需要确保语义准确传达,例如“微风吹过了我的脸. 勾起了我对你的思念”可以翻译为 "A gentle breeze passed over my face, stirring up my longing for you."
1. Standing alone at the familiar seafront, the breeze brushes past my face, stirring up memories of you. Baby, how are you doing up in heaven? I miss you.
2. It's been almost a year since you left me. Without you, my days lack joy. I wander aimlessly, lost in thought, recalling every moment we shared—laughter, sorrow, happiness, and disappointment.
3. You left me alone to go to heaven, where there's no pain or sadness, only happiness and joy. Whenever I think of you, I look up to the sky, hoping to see your familiar face, listening to me as I talk to you.
4. After losing you, I was alone, feeling sorrow and loss. It was my own weakness, unable to face the reality of your departure. Sadness surrounded me, accompanied by loneliness, as solitude led me further away.
5. I still remember when we were young, playing at my house, and you promised to marry no one but me. I never forgot that promise, even as we grew up and continued to play together, fearlessly, without a thought for warmth or a home, only focused on our love in the present.
6. You said you enjoyed my singing, my rapping in front of you, because my songs could make you forget your troubles and bring you joy. Whenever we were together, you'd lay in my arms, listening to my original songs, never tired of them.
7. You always praised my singing, encouraging me to keep practicing, dreaming of me becoming a big star and signing autographs for you. Now, you've left me and gone to heaven. You're no longer in my world, my life, but you instruct me to stay happy.
8. Don't worry, my dear. Live well with your mother in heaven. My longing for you is boundless, like the ocean. Whenever a shooting star crosses the sky, I make a wish for your blessings.
9. Late at night, when I think of you, tears roll down my cheeks. I raise the hands you once held, wipe my tears, and wait for time to turn back. The snowflakes float by, and I remain deeply in love with you.
10. No matter how far our love has drifted, my love for you will never change. Late at night, when I think of you, tears are inevitable. I wish time could reverse, taking us back to our past, protecting you from ever leaving me again.
11. This song is for you, in heaven. May you find happiness. No, I love you.