
用酷狗听音乐的朋友麻烦去搜一下“新版结婚进行曲”然后有三首歌 随便点一首(三首都一样) 前奏是结婚进行曲 但后来有个女的在唱是英文的 那歌应该不是原来就有的吧 麻烦知道的朋友告诉一下
_想飞_知道 对就是这个
叫什么名字 或有下载地址么 谢谢了

我是想放在空间里 觉得没必要去买 也不想开钻 所以想用代码做 知道的帮个忙吧

第1个回答  2008-11-09
YOU always on my mind,
our dangers all the time
you're everything to me
bright the star to like me see
you touch me in my dream
we kiss every thing
I prey to be with you to every shineing day
I Love you till my die
did you see why you shy
the building on the loving's rainbow there we will we go
need you of my life
you are my heart you are my bright
in your eyes I find my heaver
in your eyes I see the sky
may loving on the pain of die
YOU always on my mind,
we're dangers all the time
you're everything to me
bright the stars like me see
you touch me in my dream
we kiss every thing
I prey to be with you to every shineing day
I Love you till my die
did you see why you shy
the building on the loving's rainbow there we are we go
need you of my life
you are my heart you are my bright
in your eyes I find my heaver
in your eyes I see the sky
may loving on the pain of die
I Love you till my die
did you see why you shy
the building on the loving's rainbow there we are we go
need you of my life
you are my heart you are my bright
in your eyes I find my heaver
in your eyes I see the sky
may loving on the pain of die
da da da.............
