急急急!!! 帮忙翻译下!!!


1.people只有一个休闲关注互联网隐私不需要获得总anonymity.internet用户可以达到适当的水平是否公开的个人隐私的信息送进控制的ip地址,non-personally-identifiable纹和simial信息可能成为可接受的取舍,为了方便用户使用,否则输了detalis所需的工作环境等rigorusly.on压制另一方面,有些人的欲望太多stonger pricvacy.in那样的话,他们会设法取得interent匿名的网络,确保privacy-use不给任何第三方的能力来连接在互联网上的活动,personally-identfiable的互联网用户的信息。



四、在加拿大,之后,我们期待好胜皮卡growht经济减速到1.2%,今年htan少得多的3% .shrinking近几年的平均ecports可能会削弱整体;一个强大的加拿大元、柔软的成长为加拿大的主要贸易伙伴demand.阻碍商业投资和消费支出,支持经济发展,近年来已开始toslow。
第1个回答  2006-05-18
Currently, there are no age regulations implemented on internet games, with gamers of all ages in the games. As a result, teenagers are exposed early to adult society/situations and the unsavory/ugly practices/habits/manners of the audult world are, unavoidably, impressed on them. They cannnot differentiate between game and reality, and view them as one and the same, thus becoming addicted to the games. The violent scenes and gangsterism/triads in the games easily leads teens to form the wrong ideas and concepts about violence and triads, resulting in them mixing the fiction in the games with reality in society and have the mistaken beliefs that it is alright to obtain their goals with violence on others. They tend to bring their actions in the games into society, using unscruplous means to achieve their goals, lying, stealing, using violence on others, and even participating in gang fights and activities. Their unrestrained, undiscipined, lying, violent, and irresponsible habits nurtured in the net are brought into the real world. Some will just behave badly but some will take to the high road of crime.本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2006-05-30
Currently, there are no age regulations implemented on internet games, with gamers of all ages in the games. As a result, teenagers are exposed early to adult society/situations and the unsavory/ugly practices/habits/manners of the audult world are, unavoidably, impressed on them. They cannnot differentiate between game and reality, and view them as one and the same, thus becoming addicted to the games. The violent scenes and gangsterism/triads in the games easily leads teens to form the wrong ideas and concepts about violence and triads, resulting in them mixing the fiction in the games with reality in society and have the mistaken beliefs that it is alright to obtain their goals with violence on others. They tend to bring their actions in the games into society, using unscruplous means to achieve their goals, lying, stealing, using violence on others, and even participating in gang fights and activities. Their unrestrained, undiscipined, lying, violent, and irresponsible habits nurtured in the net are brought into the real world. Some will just behave badly but some will take to the high road of crime