

I. 选出划线部分读音与其他三个不同的选项: (5%)
( ) 1. A. picture B. nine C. fine D. Chinese
( ) 2. A. school B. too C. book D. two
( ) 3. A. computer B. student C. excuse D. but
( ) 4. A. eraser B. apple C. grade D. cake
( ) 5. A. thinks B. thank C. these D. thirteen
( ) 6. A. boats B. cats C. students D. mouths
( ) 7. A. pen B. American C. eraser D. twelve
( ) 8. A. those B. clock C. box D. on
( ) 9. A. middle B. right C. miss D. sister
( ) 10A. ruler B. cup C. mother D. bus
II. 单词拼写: (10%)
1. 根据规律默写数字:
Two _________ _________ ________ ten ________ __________
_________ Three ________ ________ _______ eleven ________
2. 根据句意及给出的首字母填写单词:
1) Is this your car l__________ number?
2) We study in the same m__________ school.
3) These two boys are t___________. They look the same.
4) Who is on d_________ today?
5) I can see two beautiful birds in the p___________.
6) Listen to this E________ song. It’s nice.
7) W_________ to Beijing!
8) Can you s_________ your name, please?
9) –How old are you?
--It’s a s__________.
10) –What’s five m_______ two?
--It’s three.
III. 按要求变化词形: (5%)
1. class _________ (复数) 2. Japanese ______(复数)
3. here _________(反义词) 4. right _________(反义词)
5. it’s __________(同音词) 6. two __________(同音词)
7. they’re _______(原形) 8. is not ________(缩写)
9. her __________(主格) 10.they ________(形容词性物主代词)
IV. 选择最合适的答案:(20%)
( ) 1. I ________ a student. You _________ my teacher.
A. is, is B. are, am C. am, are D. am, is
( ) 2. This is a ____________. He is in No. 5 _____________.
A. Middle School, Middle School
B. middle school, middle school
C. Middle School, middle school
D. middle school, Middle School
( ) 3. –Is it __________ Chinese film?
--No, it is __________ American film.
A. a, an B. an, a C. a, a D. an, an
( ) 4. --Are these Japanese toys?
A. No, they are. They are made in China.
B. These are not Japanese toys. They are made in China.
C. No, they aren’t.
D. These are Chinese toys.
( ) 5. –Who are these ___________?
--They __________ our teacher.
A. woman, are B. women, are C. woman’s, are D. women, is
( )6. –Excuse me, are these __________English books?
--No, they are ____________ English books.
A. your, her B. my, she C. your, he D. he, her
( )7. Is this girl English _________ American?
A. and B. but C. or D. of
( )8. –What are those?
--They are _______________.
A. pencils-box B. pencil-box C. pencil-boxes D. pencil-boxes
( )9. Xiao is __________Chinese. He is ___________ Chinese boy.
A. a, a B. /, a C. /, / D. an, an
( )10. These two pens look ____________.
A. same B. his C. the same D. her
( )11. –Is Tom ________ school today?
--No, I think he is _________ home.
A. at, at B. at, in C. in, at D. in, in
( )12. What’s ten plus two? Can you ________ this question?
A. ask B. think C. see D. answer
( )13. Please look ___________ my baby tomorrow.
A. at B. for C. after D. on
( )14. –What’s that?
A. It’s too a cat.
B. Too it’s a cat
C. It’s a cat, too.
D. It’s a cat too.
( )15. I think you are ___________. Five and six isn’t ten.
A. wrong B. right C. fine D. nice
( )16. __________ is he late today?
A. What B. Why C. How D. Who
( )17. Who is the girl ____________?
A. over here B. at here C. at there D. over there
( )18. –Where is my English book?
--Sorry, I don’t ___________.
A. see B. forget C. know D. look
( )19. __________ everyone here today?
A. Are B. Is C. Am D. Does
( )20. What’s that _________ Chinese?
A. at B. for C. on D. in
V. 填入合适的介词、副词:(5%)
1. Sit __________, please.
2. Good morning __________ you!
3. What row are you ___________?
4. Hurry _________! You are late.
5. What can you see _________ this picture?
6. Is James __________ duty now?
7. Please look __________ the blackboard.
8. Tom, please look ___________ his dog.
9. Let’s listen ___________ the English song.
10. Are you __________ the same class?
VI. 根据回答,填入合适的疑问词:(5%)
1. _________ one and five? It’s six.
2. _________ is our teacher? She is in the library.
3. _________ are you today? I am fine.
4. _________ is this in English? This is a map.
5. _________ old is your little brother? He is five years old now.
6. _________ is the girl in blue? She is my good friend.
7. _________ grade are you in? I am in Grade Six.
8. _________ is her fax number? 02664791.
9. _________ is not here today? Tom.
10. _________ is his name? He is Wang Gang.
VII. 根据要求改写句子:(10%)
1. This is a pretty girl. (变为复数)
2. These are Japanese cars. (变为一般疑问句)
3. She is our new teacher. (变为否定句)
4. Tom is in the library. (根据划线部分提问)
5. Those students are Chinese. (变为单数)
6. He is Jack Smith. (变为同义句)
7. Is this girl your sister? (用your friend变为选择疑问句)
8. Excuse, are you Mr. Jackson? (否定回答)
9. Is Sandy in? (同义句)
10. What’s one and three? (同义句)
VIII. 根据中文完成下列句子:(10%)
1. 这两个男孩是双胞胎,他们看上去长得一样。
These two _________ are _________. They _________ the _________.
2. 请问,这些用日文怎么说?
________ me, what _______ these ________ _________?
3. 这幅画里你能看见什么?
What ________ you _______ _________ the ______________?
4. 仔细听这首英文歌。
_________ ________ this _________ song __________.
5. 我想我不知道答案。
I _________ I ________ ________ the __________.
IX. 为下列表达法配对:(10%)
( )1. How is your father? A. I think she is his sister.
( )2. See you later! B. No, it isn’t.
( )3. Who is this girl? C. See you!
( )4. Glad to meet you! D. It’s Tom!
( )5. What row are you in? E. It’s over there.
( )6. Here you are. F. Well, it’s a secret.
( )7. Where is the washing room? G. He is fine. Thank you.
( )8. How old are you? H. Glad to meet you, too!
( )9. Who is on duty today? I. I am in Row Five.
( )10. Is this your ruler? J. Thank you.
( )11. Thank you very much. K. It is Ok.
( )12. I am sorry. L. It’s my pleasure.
X. 完形填空:(10%)
He _________ a middle school __________. ________ name is Zhang Gang. He is __________ Class Two, __________ Three. His English teacher ___________ Miss Liu. ____________ is a good teacher. _________ Chinese teacher is Mr. Li. _________ is a good teacher, ______________.
( )1. A. am B. is C. are D. isn’t
( )2. A. student B. boy C. pupil D. twin
( )3. A. Her B. Their C. He D. His
( )4. A. on B. in C. for D. under
( )5. A. Row B. Class C. Number D. Grade
( )6. A. am B. is C. are D. isn’t
( )7. A. She B. He C. Her D. His
( )8. A. Her B. She C. His D. He
( )9. A. She B. He C. Her D. His
( )10A. but B. or C. and D. too
XI. 阅读理解,判断正误:(10%)
I am an American boy. My name is Bob Twist. I am in No. 2 Middle School. I am in Class Three, Grade Two. I have a Chinese friend. His name is Gao Ming. We are in the same class. He is on duty today.
( )1. The American boy’s name is Bob.
( )2. He has an English friend.
( )3. His friend is in No. 2 Middle School, too.
( )4. Gao Ming is in Class Three, Grade Three.
( )5. The American boy is on duty today.
1. Your father’s father is your g______.
2. Jenny is my pen f______.
3. I don’t have a tennis r______.
4. let’s play v_____.
5. He doesn’t play sports, he only w_____ them on TV.
6. —Let’s play soccer.
—That sounds I_______.
7.I don’t like math. It’s d______.
8.My father and mother are my p_______.
9.We should eat lots of v_______.
10.She eats lots of h_______ food every day.
( )1.______!Is he your teacher
A. Sorry B Excuse me C Ok D. See
( )2.Mr Green _____ two children.
A. doesn’t have B .have
C. doesn’t has D. don’t have
( )3.My sister Sue ____ a new coat ,but I _____
A has, don’t B. have, doesn’t
C doesn’t have ,don’t D. don’t have, does
( )4.Let’s ______
A .to play ping-pong B. playing ping-pong
C .play the ping-pong D. play ping-pong
( )5.How old is ____mother?
A. Kay B .Kay’s C. she D. he
6your dresser is nice.
A. Ok B. Yes ,it is.
C. Thank you. D. No, it isn’t.
( )7.I have ___uncle.
A. an B .a C. the D. \
( )8.— Do they have a computer?
A. No, they haven’t
B. No, they aren’t
C. No, they do
D. No, they don’t
( )9.Tom and Peter ____fruit very much.
A。likes B .eat C .like D. eats
( )10.There ___some books ,a pencil case and a
pen in his desk.
A .is B .have C .are D. don’t have
( )11._____ your bag in the desk?
A. Do B. Is C .Are D. Does
( )12.—Are ___you teachers?
- -Yes \, they are.
A. this B .that C .the D .these
( )13.—Is that your family photo?
A .Yes, they are B .Yes, he is
C. Yes, that is D. Yes, it is
( )14.—Are those maps?
--Yes ,______
A .those are B. they are
C. they’re D. these are
( )15.—Where is my football?
--It’s ___the table ____the floor.
A .on, under B .on ,on
C .under, under D . under, on
1.There are some _____(watch) over there.
2.My brother ___(play)volleyball every day..
3.____(she) family name is Bush.
4. Bruce ____ (not eat) oranges.
5. Let ____(we) watch TV.
1.C-A-S-E, case.(划线部分提问)
2.They are on the dresser.(变一般疑问句并)
3.The soccer ball is under the desk. (划线部分提问)
4.This is a tomato. (变复数形式)
5.He has two brothers.(一般否定句,并作否定回答)
Bill: What do you like to eat, Sandra?
Sandra: Well ,I like salad, but I 1 like broccoli.
Bill: And your brother and sister? What do 2 like to 3 ?
Sandra: My 4 likes bananas and oranges, but he 5 like hamburgers.
My 6 likes carrots. She 7 vegetables. We like lots of
8 food.
Bill: And I really (真的) 9 ice cream’s you like ice cream, Sandra?
Sandra: Yes, I do.
1._______ 2________3_______4_______5_________
Do you know the girl? She is 1 good friend. She is 2 English girl. 3 name is Lucy. 4 twelve. My 5 is Fang fang. 6 a Chinese girl. I’m fourteen.
Lucy 7 a small sports collection. She has 8 tennis racket, three basketballs, and four soccer, but I only have 9 baseball. Lucy and I 10 sports every day.
1.A.I B. you C .me D. my
2.A.a B. an C. the D./
3.A.His B. he C. Her D. Her’ s
4.A. She B. She’s C. Her D. His
5.A.name B. book C. friend D. bag
6.A.I B. I’m C. She D. She’s
7.A.have B. has
C. doesn’t have D. doesn’t has
8.A.one B. five C. three D. four
9.A.a B. two C. three D. four
10.A.plays B play C. playing D. to play
Mila: Let’s play computer games.
Ella: That sounds like fun. Where’s your computer ?
Mila: I don’t have a computer. Do you have a computer?
Ella: No, I don’t. But I have a TV. Let’s watch TV.
Mila: No, that sounds boring. Let’s play tennis. I have a tennis racket.
Ella: Good,. Where is it?
Mila: On the sofa. Do you have a racket?
Ella: No, I don’t. Does your brother have a racket?
Mila; Yes, he does. And he has tennis ball. 第4页
( )1.—Does Mila have a computer?
A. She has two computers. B yes, she does.
C. No, she doesn’t.
( )2.—Does Ella have a TV?
A . Yes, she does. B .No, she doesn’t.
C . Yes, she is.
( )3.—Does Ella have a tennis racket?
A. Yes, she does. B .She has two tennis rackets.
C. No, she doesn’t.
( )4.—Does Mila have a tennis racket?
A. She has two tennis rackets. B. Yes, she does.
C. No, she doesn’t.
( )5.—Does Mila’s brother have a tennis rackets?
A. He doesn’t have tennis balls. B. Yes, he does.
B. No, he doesn’t.
Nora is an old woman. She has a big family. There are ten people in her family. Her husband is Dan. They have three children, two daughters and a son. Peter ‘s wife is Alice. They’re Mike and Amy’s parents. Linda is Rose and John’s child. Becky and Rose are sister .Peter is Linda’s uncle. Becky is Amy’s aunt. Dan and Nora are children’s grandparents.
( )1.—How many people are there in Nora’s family?
A. ten B. two C. Three D. A big family
( )2.—Who are children’s grandparents?
A. Mike and Amy B Linda and Rose
C. Nora and Dan. D Peter and John
( )3.—Who is Linda’s uncle?
A. John B. Peter C. Dan D. Mike
( )4.Becky and Rose are _______.
A. brother B. sister C. uncle D. grandparents
( )5.Alice is ______wife.
A. Peter’s B. John’s C. Dan’s D. Mike’s
Dear friend,
My name is Wang Ying. I’m a Chinese girl. I’m 13. I’m from Qing Dao,.
China. Do you know Qingdao ? It’s very beautiful (美丽). I’m in No 1
Middle School. There are 900 students and 50 teachers in our school. There
Are 45 students in our class, 25 girls and 20 boys. My English teacher is
Miss Zhang. I like English. English is interesting. Her class is fun, too.
My math teacher is Mr. Liu. His class is boring. I don’t like math.
It’s so difficult.
I have a good friend. Her name is Zhao Ling. She is 14.
I want to find a pen friend. Please write to me.
Wang Ying
1. I’m a Chinese ____________.
2. Miss Zhang is my _____________.
3. Mr. Liu is my ________.
4. Zhao ling is my __________.
5. I like __________.
6. I didn’t like ____________.
7. English is _____________.
8. Math is __________.
9. English teacher’s class is ___________.
10. Math teacher’s class is _________.

九. 书面表达(10分)
爱好及家人的一些情况和爱好) (字数50-60字)
