
she stepped back from the painting and unpoised the consciousness in her eyes ,allowing the paint to play and trick with them. the painting bulged outwards and then sank deeply into space flinging "objects" out into the room where she stood. her eyes were filled with it.
she'd been working on the painting for four days now and she could actually see it in her sleep .it was the focusing and then the "unfocusing" or rather an alternate kind of "fuzzy focus" which caused the effect, and whose action sensitized her eyes.
first the blue lost its rugged character and became a smooth insubstantial, luminous and fairy-like space.rows of pink horizontal "clouds" with upwardly graduating hue pressed the blue futher to near ether, while maintaining for themselves a plane of suggested verticality like the rungs of a ladder. a strange disconnected sort of still life made of sometimes paint and somtimes "object" floated or hovered in front of the pink "clouds"

she stepped back from the painting and unpoised the consciousness in her eyes ,allowing the paint to play and trick with them. the painting bulged outwards and then sank deeply into space flinging "objects" out into the room where she stood. her eyes were filled with it.
she'd been working on the painting for four days now and she could actually see it in her sleep .it was the focusing and then the "unfocusing" or rather an alternate kind of "fuzzy focus" which caused the effect, and whose action sensitized her eyes.
first the blue lost its rugged character and became a smooth insubstantial, luminous and fairy-like space.rows of pink horizontal "clouds" with upwardly graduating hue pressed the blue futher to near ether, while maintaining for themselves a plane of suggested verticality like the rungs of a ladder. a strange disconnected sort of still life made of sometimes paint and somtimes "object" floated or hovered in front of the pink "clouds"
第1个回答  2014-01-29
 she stepped back from the painting and unpoised the consciousness in her eyes ,allowing the paint to play and trick with them. the painting bulged outwards and then sank deeply into space flinging "objects" out into the room where she stood. her eyes were filled with it.
she'd been working on the painting for four days now and she could actually see it in her sleep .it was the focusing and then the "unfocusing" or rather an alternate kind of "fuzzy focus" which caused the effect, and whose action sensitized her eyes.
first the blue lost its rugged character and became a smooth insubstantial, luminous and fairy-like space.rows of pink horizontal "clouds" with upwardly graduating hue pressed the blue futher to near ether, while maintaining for themselves a plane of suggested verticality like the rungs of a ladder. a strange disconnected sort of still life made of sometimes paint and somtimes "object" floated or hovered in front of the pink "clouds"
翻译: 她退出了这幅画,unpoised意识在她的眼中,使油漆与他们玩耍和技巧。这幅画向外凸出的,然后沉没深入太空扔“对象”进房间她站的地方。她的眼睛充满了。


第2个回答  2014-01-29