求以下英语翻译(可以稍微口语话也没问题,只要不改变原文意思便好) 《了不起的盖茨比》讲述了一个夏天


"Great Gatsby" tells the story of a beautiful and sad summer. The whole book of the beginning and the end of the United States have to be suffocation, read the Japanese writer Haruki Murakami has been evaluated even read several times, or only the beauty of the text.
And the author of this book, Fitzgerald, he just started in 1920, it has brought a shock to the literary world, becoming the darling of the times. I in Long Island the day, his wife and their feelings, this book also greatly influenced the creation of. "The great Gatsby" described a "America dream" burst, was chosen as the number American high school reading.
Of course, most people may be of concern for Gatsby and Daisy's sad love. Indeed, Gatsby love city to make any others. The deepest impression is: Gatsby, standing on this side of the coast, and made a gesture to embrace, and he trembled hug, but a lamp that reflected on the sea of green, a lamp on the opposite coast Daisy dock green.
Of course, there is a very famous film starring Leonardo, "the great Gatsby", and I have a very simple introduction to the book, I can only say that the film is good, and the book is more beautiful.
If anyone is interested, you can try to read the book.追问


