

The Owl and the Pussy-Cat By Edward LearThe owl and the pussy-cat went to seaIn a beautiful pea-green boat;They took some honey ,and plenty of money Warpped up in a five-pound note.The Owl looked up to the stars above,and sang to a small guitar," O lovely Pussy, O Pussy ,my love,What a beautiful Pussy you are,you are, you are!What a beautiful Pussy you are!" Pussy said to the Owl"You elegant fowl ,How charmingly sweet you sing!Oh,let us be married;too long we have tarried;But what shall we do for a ring ?"They sailed away , for a year and a day,To the land where the bong-tyee grows;And there in a wood a Piggy-wig stood,With a ring at the end of his nose,His nose His noseWith a ring at the end of his nose, "Dear Pig ,are you willing to sell for one shillingYour ring ?" Said the Pig ,"I will."So they took it away ,and were married next dayBy the Turkey who lives on the hill.They dined on mince and slices of quince,Which the ate with a runcible spoon;And hand in hand on the edge of the sandThey danced by the light of the moon,The moon,The moon,They danced by the light of the moon.
第1个回答  2014-03-07
Zoo Animals by James K. McAlister

Let’s go to the Metro Zoo!

You will meet a whole “Who’s Who”

Of the creatures of the Earth.

You will get your money’s worth.

The lion roars inside his cage.

He is really in a rage!

Zebras are prisoners wearing stripes

Behind tall fences made of pipes.

With the reptiles pause a while.

Wink at smiling crocodiles.

Visit parrots, feed them crackers.

Watch your fingers! They’re attackers!

Koalas love the Red Gum tree.

They’ll climb up, I guarantee.

Next go watch the kangaroo.

A “mob” is what they call their crew.

Funny creatures are the camels:

They are awkward, two-humped mammals.

You can ride high on their backs.

Their keeper will teach you some facts.

Giraffes are brown and yellow creatures

They too have some special features --

Thin legs, small ears and long necks.

On their backs some small birds peck.

There’s a whole crowd of flamingos

Next door to Australian dingoes.

The elephant’s trunk is like a hose.

That is one extensive nose!

Leopards are cats of the night.

Two or more will often fight!

Orangutans are social beasts

Who share bananas for a feast.

Hear the penguins squawk and splash

As all around the pool they dash.

Seals into the water slide,

Then silent, ‘round their tank they glide.

Yaks don’t come with any feathers:

Their hide is soft, furry leather.

Shy opossums, lazy clowns,

Hang off tree limbs, upside down.

The zoo’s most agile acrobats

Are the African meerkats.

We applaud their comic act

As a big crowd they attract.

The mighty rhino is distinct.

His horn may make him extinct.

But here, protected at the zoo

You can see -- and smell him – phew!

Finally, there’s a gift shop here

Where you can buy a souvenir.

T shirts, toys and books are there,

Or a fluffy grizzly bear.

There are many things to do

At the Metro Toronto Zoo.
