
1. What is the typical American family like? If Americans are asked to name the members of their families, family structure becomes clear. Married American adults will name their husband or wife and their children, if they have any, as their immediate family. If they mention their father, mother, sisters, or brothers, they will define them as separate units, usually living in separate households. Aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents are considered extended family.
2. Traditionally, the American family has been a nuclear family, consisting of a husband, wife, and their children, living in a house or apartment. Grandparents rarely live in the same home with their married sons and daughters, and uncles and aunts almost never do. In the 1950s, the majority of the American households were the classic traditional American family—a husband, wife, and two children. The father was the “breadwinner” (the one who earned the money to support the family), the mother was a “homemaker” (the one who took care of the children, managed the household, and did not work outside the home), and they had two children under the age of eighteen. If you said the word family to Americans a generation ago, this is the traditional picture that probably came to their minds.
3. Today, however, the reality is much different. A very small percentage of American households consist of a working father, a stay-at-home mother, and children under eighteen. Only about one-quarter of American households now consist of two parents and their children, and the majority of these mothers hold jobs outside the home. The majority of American households today consist of married couples without children, single parents and their children, or unrelated people living together. Perhaps most surprising, 25 percent of Americans live alone.

第1个回答  2011-03-19
2。传统上,美国家庭已经拥有核心式家庭,丈夫,妻子组成,与他们的孩子,在一所房子或公寓生活。祖父母很少住在同一个家庭与他们结了婚的儿子和女儿,叔叔和姑姑几乎不这么做。在50年代,美国大多数家庭是典型的传统的美国家庭,丈夫,妻子和两个孩子。父亲是“养家糊口”(一个赚钱养家),母亲是一个“家庭主妇”(一个把照顾孩子,管理家务,并不外出工作),和他们未满十八岁的两个孩子。如果说上一代对美国人而言很关键,这是传统的印象,大概也到了他们的根深蒂固的地步 。