

意大利文歌词: Nes-sun dor-ma! nes- sun dor-ma! Tu pure,o Princi-pes-sa,,nella tua fred-da stan za- guar-di le stel-le che trema-no da mo re e di spe-ran-za!—— Ma il mio mi-stere chiu-soin me,,il no-me mio nes-sun sapra! No,no.sul-la tua boe-ca-lo di-ro——.quan-do la lu-ce splen-de-ra!—— Ed il mio ba-cio scioglierail si-len zio——che ti fa mi-a! Di-le-gua,o not-te!tra-mon-ta-te, stel-le! tra-mon-ta-te, stel-le! Al-lal-ba vin-ce-ro! Vin-ce-ro! Vin-ce-ro! 英文歌词: Nobody shall sleep!... Nobody shall sleep! Even you, o Princess, in your cold room, watch the stars, that tremble with love and with hope. But my secret is hidden within me, my name no one shall know... No!...No!... On your mouth I will tell it when the light shines. And my kiss will dissolve the silence that makes you mine!... The Chorus of women: No one will know his name and we must, alas, die. The Prince: Vanish, o night! Set, stars! Set, stars! At dawn, I will win! I will win! I will win! 中文歌词: 无人入睡!无人入睡! 公主你也是一样, 要在冰冷的闺房, 焦急地观望 那因爱情和希望而闪烁的星光! 但秘密藏在我心里, 没有人知道我姓名! 等黎明照耀大地,亲吻你时 我才对你说分明! 用我的吻来解开这个秘密, 你跟我结婚! 众女人的声音(神秘而遥远): 没人会知道他的名字. 而我们就得去死,哎! 卡拉弗: 消失吧,黑夜!星星沉落下去, 星星沉落下去!黎明时得胜利! 得胜利!得胜利
第1个回答  2017-07-16
意大利文歌词: Nes-sun dor-ma! nes- sun dor-ma! Tu pure,o Princi-pes-sa,,nella tua fred-da stan za- guar-di le stel-le che trema-no da mo re e di spe-ran-za!—— Ma il mio mi-stere chiu-soin me,,il no-me mio nes-sun sapra! No,no.sul-la tua boe-ca-lo di-ro——.quan-do la lu-ce splen-de-ra!—— Ed il mio ba-cio scioglierail si-len zio——che ti fa mi-a! Di-le-gua,o not-te!tra-mon-ta-te, stel-le! tra-mon-ta-te, stel-le! Al-lal-ba vin-ce-ro! Vin-ce-ro! Vin-ce-ro! 英文歌词: Nobody shall sleep!... Nobody shall sleep! Even you, o Princess, in your cold room, watch the stars, that tremble with love and with hope. But my secret is hidden within me, my name no one shall know... No!...No!... On your mouth I will tell it when the light shines. And my kiss will dissolve the silence that makes you mine!... The Chorus of women: No one will know his name and we must, alas, die. The Prince: Vanish, o night! Set, stars! Set, stars! At dawn, I will win! I will win! I will win! 中文歌词: 无人入睡!无人入睡! 公主你也是一样, 要在冰冷的闺房, 焦急地观望 那因爱情和希望而闪烁的星光! 但秘密藏在我心里, 没有人知道我姓名! 等黎明照耀大地,亲吻你时 我才对你说分明! 用我的吻来解开这个秘密, 你跟我结婚! 众女人的声音(神秘而遥远): 没人会知道他的名字. 而我们就得去死,哎! 卡拉弗: 消失吧,黑夜!星星沉落下去, 星星沉落下去!黎明时得胜利! 得胜利!得胜利