最喜欢的课外活动英语作文~~~ 帮帮我啦~~~ 实在不会写!!~~~


my favorite activities
my favorite avtivities is that play the piano.
There are some reasons, which are as follows:the one of most important reasons is that I play the piano in order to forget the worry. Another reason is that the accent of piano beneficial to my mind and body of health. The last reason is that the music of piano is absolutely beautiful.
So, my favorite activities is piano
第1个回答  2011-03-09
My favorite after-school activity is playing piano.I want to be a pianist, because I like the piano.Tweedle teasing, the melody enticement, let me not be able to repress, I wanted to let each people all hear my tweedle, heard that enticement will of the people the melody.
The tweedle may let you feel the relaxation, but you can because the tweedle feels the innumerable joy.Therefore,so I like playing piano.
第2个回答  2011-03-07
……你可以直接到翻译网站上去 翻译中文