
业务流程再造(Business Process Reengineering,BPR)是企业再造工程的核心领域。业务流程,即按顾客要求投入原材料,生产出对顾客有价值的产品及服务的一系列关联活动的总称。BPR在具体操作中可将几道工序合并,归一个人完成,也可将分别负责不同工序的人员组合成工作小组或团队来共同完成工作,以利于信息共享,简化交接手续,缩短时间,另外还可以将原来依次分为几步的工序变化成同时进行,即将连续性工作转化为同步工作。

第1个回答  2007-06-24
BPR (Business Process Reengineering. BPR) is a business re-engineering core areas. Business process, which is based on customer input raw materials, produce value to our customers the products and services of a series of interrelated activities collectively. BPR, in actual operation can be a process for the merger to a complete person. may also be responsible for different sectors of the staff into a team or working group to jointly complete the work facilitate information sharing, the handover procedures to simplify and shorten the time It also can be divided into the original order of the steps changes into processes simultaneously, will work into a continuous work in tandem.本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2007-06-24
BPR is re-engineering enterprises in the core areas. Business process, which is based on customer input raw materials, produce value to our customers the products and services of a series of interrelated activities collectively. BPR, in actual operation can be a process for the merger to a complete person. may also be responsible for different sectors of the staff into a team or working group to jointly complete the work facilitate information sharing, the handover procedures to simplify and shorten the time It also can be divided into the original order of the steps changes into processes simultaneously, will work into a continuous work in tandem.


第3个回答  2007-06-24
