









第1个回答  2007-06-20
"Who had a pig"
Queue jumping, I fed pigs, cattle are let go. If no one to control
these two animals also fully aware of how life. They will be free to wander, hungry and thirsty it is fresh drinking spring to talk about love but also temporary; As a result, their very low level of life, totally inadequate. To the people, to make their living arrangements : Each head of cattle and pigs every one of life is the theme. On most of them, this life is very tragic theme : The former is the theme of work, the theme of which is a long-meat. I do not think that there was anything to complain about, because I was then in the rich are not necessarily the number, in addition to eight model operas, there is no entertainment. A very small number of pigs and cattle, their living separately. Pig for example, sows and pigs in addition to eat, to have things be out of work. As I see it, they are right these arrangements do not like it. Pigs mating task is, in other words, it is our policy to allow it to be a Playboy. But the pigs are often exhausted and put on a pig (pork is castration before) the only honorable man posture. refused to live or die jump back to sow. Sow the task of Health mon, but some sows they want to eat Zhuzai abuse. Overall, the arrangement gives the pig suffering to the victim. But they are still accepted : pig always Gifts. Life is set up to do all kinds of unique character. Not only is the provision of animals, also set up their own. We know that in ancient Greece there Sparta, where life is set scored apathy. Its purpose is to make men become desperate soldiers, women become reproductive machines, as some former cock fighting, the latter as more sows. These animals are very special, but I think that they certainly do not like their lives. But he does not like how can kind? People or animals ultimately, it will be very difficult to change their destiny. Following is talking about a pig is somewhat different. I pigs, it has been four or five years old, from the sub said, it is pork, but looks something thin, and two bright promises. This guy as agile as goats, a pigsty-meter high dive on cross; It can also jumped onto the roof of his pen. This is something like a cat -- so it is always shopping around everywhere, there will be no hanging around in circles. All pigs fed the educated youths regard them as favorites to treat, it is my favorite -- only because of better educated youths, allow them to come within three meters, and if other people, it has long run. It is a public, the original 1:00 swap. But you have to try, even if you think of pigs arrived in possession of a knife behind, it can sniff out, North Korea staring you, the clamor to roar up. I always use is found in the fine rice bran gruel village, it has enough to eat, the right to release chaff weeds Lane Hey other pigs. Other pig read jealous, yells up together. This time Guikuhanghao a whole pig, and I do not mind it. Hitting the future, it jumped onto the roof to sunbathing, or imitate voices. It will learn car horns and tractors ring for, we learn very like; Sometimes all day and disappeared, I expect it to the nearby village Finding sows go. We have here sows, in a circle, was carried out over the birth-away, dirty, smelly, it is not interested in them; Lane sows the village some good looks. It has many interesting stories, but I Pig in a shorter period of time know that it is limited, is not simply to write a. In short, all the feeding pigs educated youth like it, dislike it acts independently of the faction head, live performances, it said. However, the villagers were not so romantic, they said, this is not a good pig. It is hate leadership, which dealt with later. It is more than I like to -- and I respect it, often despite their long teenage virtual reality, called it a "pig brother." As mentioned earlier, this pig brother would imitate voices. I think it also learned extraordinary words, but not learned how to -- learned if we think they can do talk. But this can not blame it. And the pig in her stretch poetic license to its limit. Later, the pig brothers learned to whistle and shout, to give it the ability to provoke trouble. Block, where we have the refinery, noon to Wong, a whistle, allowing workers to change shifts. Our team worked in the fields, heard the siren ring for a day on the back. My brother pig daily 10:00 minutes total jump to the school siren, to the people who heard it called back on -- this morning comparable factory blew its whistle and a half hours. Frankly, this not blame pig brother, it is after all not a boiler, and the siren call up also some distinction, But the villagers have insisted that the hearing not come out. So come on the leadership of a will, it will become damaged spring recruiters, To take it means dictatorship -- the spirit of the meeting I already know, But I do not worry about it -- because if dictatorship is referring to the wires and Shazhudao, it is 1:00 doors are not. The previous leadership had no tried 100 people that it could not. The dog is useless : Pig brothers run together like a torpedo, it can hurt dogs Ancient passage. Surprisingly, this time moved to make it real, with 20 mentors several people, and holding a pistol-May 4; Deputy political instructor with a dozen or so people, with a look at the young guns, divides farms in the open space outside the pocket catch it. This leads me into the heart of the contradiction : by me and it's nomination, I hit the last two Shazhudao out, and it fought side by side. However, I feel that this is too eyesore -- it is, after all, only Gifts; there is a reason, I am not against the leadership, I suspect this is the problem lies. In short, I watched the side. Pig brother calm so that I admire to the extreme : it is very cool to hide a pistol and a rifle for connectivity within and allow people are crying dogs, Throttle access lines. Thus, with a pistol opened fire with guns will regard the killing, and vice versa; 2 also opened fire, and two will be killed. As for it, because the goal of small, mostly nothing. It was so even touting several circles, it found a loophole for them in a collision away; Encounters run to the extreme. After I Sugarcane Lane has seen it once, it had grown fangs, also recognized me, but I have not approached the. Such apathy makes me sad, but I also agree that it has ulterior motives to keep a distance from the people. I have a 40-year-old, in addition to this pig, who dared not yet seen such disregard to the provision of life. Instead, I would want to set up meetings with many others living of people, and is set to the right of life of complaint. Because of this reason, I have always remembered this acts independently of the pig.本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2007-06-20

Who 有一pig" 排队跳跃, 我喂养了猪, 牛是放弃。如果没人对控制 这两个动物并且充分地明白怎样生活。他们将是自由漫步, 饥饿并且渴这是新饮用的春天谈论爱而且临时; 结果, 他们的生活的非常低水平, 完全不充分。对人民, 做他们的生存安排: 各头牛和猪每一个生活是题材。在大多数, 这生活是非常悲剧的题材: 前是工作题材, 题材是长肉。我不认为, 有任何抱怨, 因为我是在富有不一定然后是数字, 除八个式样歌剧之外, 那里是没有娱乐。猪和牛, 他们的生活的一个非常小数字分开。猪例如, 母猪和猪除吃之外, 安排事是丧失工作。如同我看见它, 他们是不错这些安排不喜欢。猪联接任务是, 换句话说, 这是我们的政策允许它是花花公子。但猪被用尽和经常投入猪(猪肉以前是宫刑) 唯一的高尚的人姿势拒绝居住或死跃迁回到母猪。播种健康星期一任务, 但他们想要吃Zhuzai 恶习的一些母猪。总之, 安排给猪遭受受害者。但他们仍然被接受: 猪总礼物。生活被设定做各种各样独特的字符。不仅是动物供应, 还设定他们自己。我们知道在古老希腊那里Sparta, 生活是集合被计分的无积极性。它的目的将使人适合绝望战士, 妇女成为再生机器, 作为某一前公鸡战斗, 后者作为更多母猪。这些动物是特别的, 但我认为他们一定不喜欢他们的生活。但他不喜欢怎么能种类? 人们或动物最后, 它非常难改变他们的命运。以下谈论猪是有些不同的。I 猪, 它是四或五年年纪, 从次级前述, 这是猪肉, 但看某事稀薄, 和二个明亮的诺言。这个人一样敏捷象山羊, 猪圈米高下潜在十字架; 它能并且跳跃他的笔屋顶。这是有点象猫-- 因此它总购物到处, 那里将是没有垂悬在圈子。所有猪哺养了教育的青年时期认为他们喜爱对待, 它是我的喜爱-- 只由于更好的教育的青年时期,给他们来临在三米范围内, 和如果人民, 它有历时长久。这是公众, 原始的1:00 交换。但您必须尝试, 既使您认为猪后边到达了拥有刀子, 它能嗅, 北朝鲜凝望您, 喧闹咆哮。我总使用被发现在美好的米糠稀饭村庄, 它有足够吃, 权利发布谷壳杂草车道嘿其它猪。其它猪读了嫉妒, 叫喊一起。这次Guikuhanghao 一头整体猪, 和我不介意它。击中未来, 它跳跃了屋顶对sunbathing, 或仿效声音。它学会汽车喇叭和拖拉机敲响为, 我们学会非常喜欢; 有时整天和消失, 我期望它对附近的村庄发现母猪是。我们有这里母猪, 在圈子, 被执行了在诞生, 肮脏,有臭味, 它不是对他们感兴趣; 车道播种村庄某一好神色。它有许多有趣的故事, 但I 猪在一个更短的时期知道它是有限的, 简单地不将写a 。简而言之, 所有哺养的猪教育了青年时期象, 烦恶它独立地行动派别头, 尚在争论中的表现, 它认为。但是, 村民不是那么浪漫的, 他们说, 这不是一头好猪。这是怨恨领导, 处理以后。它比我喜欢-- 是更多并且我尊敬它, 经常尽管他们长的少年虚拟现实, 称它"pig brother." 依照前面提到, 这个猪兄弟会仿效声音。我认为它并且学会了非凡词, 但没学会怎么对-- 博学如果我们认为他们能做谈话。但这无法责备它。并且猪在她的舒展诗执照对它的极限。以后, 猪兄弟学会吹口哨和呼喊, 给它能力挑衅麻烦。块, 我们有精炼厂的地方, 中午对Wong, 口哨, 允许工作者改变转移。我们的队服务在领域, 听见警报器圆环一天在后面。我的兄弟猪每日10:00 周详全面跃迁对学校警报器, 对听见的人民它叫-- 今晨可比较的工厂吹了它的口哨和一半几小时。坦率地, 这不是责备猪兄弟, 这是在所有以后不是锅炉, 并且警报器并且召集一些分别, 但村民坚持, 听力没出来。如此来在a 意志领导, 这将适合损坏的春天征兵人员, 采取它手段专政-- 我已经知道会议的精神, 但我不担心对此-- 因为如果专政提到导线和Shazhudao, 这是1:00 门不是。早先领导没有它不能的试验过的100个人。狗是无用的: 猪兄弟一起跑象鱼雷, 它可能损害狗古老段落。惊奇, 这时候行动使它真正, 与20 个辅导者几人, 和藏品a 手枪5月4 日; 代理政治辅导员以十二余人们, 以神色在年轻枪, 划分农场在露天场所在口袋抓住之外它。这带领我入矛盾的心脏: 由我和it's 提名, 我击中了最后二Shazhudao, 并且它肩并肩战斗了。但是, 我认为, 这是太眼中钉-- 它是, 终究, 唯一礼物; 有原因, 我不是反对领导, 我怀疑这是问题谎言。简而言之, 我观看了边。猪兄弟安静以便我敬佩对极端: 非常凉快的掩藏手枪并且一杆步枪为连通性内和允许人是哭泣的狗, 节流孔选取线路。因而, 以一手枪开火的与枪将看待杀害, 和反之亦然; 2 并且开火的, 和二将被杀害。至于它, 因为目标的小, 主要没什么。它是很均匀招徕几个圈子, 它发现了一个漏洞为他们在碰撞去; 遭遇运行到极端。在I 甘蔗车道看见了它一次之后, 它生长了犬齿,并且被认可我, 但我未接近。这样的无积极性使我哀伤, 但我并且同意它有更加遥远的动机保留从人民的一个距离。我有一40 年, 除这头猪之外, 敢不看见这样的无视对生活供应。反而, 我会想设定会议与许多其他居住人, 和被设置在怨言右边生活。由于这个原因, 我总记住这独立地行动猪