
我想买一款数控机床产品,但是我只有图片,其他什么都不知道。通过上网查询,初步查到一家公司,我想发邮件询问下该公司图片中的产品是不是他们的产品。如果是的话,能不能发个样品信息过来。并且询问下我在国内该如何买到他们的产品。这样的商业邮件用英语怎么写?本人英文不太好,希望大家帮帮忙,谢谢!可发到邮箱[email protected]

Hello, Sir,

I am interested in one kind of numerical control machine, but the only material about it is its picture. By searching on internet I found it on your website.
The picture of this product can be found in attached. I want to know whether it is one product from your company. If the answer is yes, could you please send me its information and tell me how to buy it in China.
Please contact me at my email address: [email protected]. Thank you very much.

Best Regards,


第1个回答  2011-06-16
作为一个供应商,由于公司产品也有在各大B2B网站,所以经常收到类似的信息。 另外,不管图片是不是他们公司的产品,还是当做是,那样即使不是同一产品,他们可能提供更好的产品。提供以下邮件供参考:

Dear Sir/Madam,

We are interested the product of your company as the attached pic, would you please send us the technical parameter as well the certificates related? By the way, do you have an agent in China for this products, if not, how can we purchase your products from China?

Looking forward to your soonest reply!

Best Regards!
Mr. Chou
Email: [email protected]