求翻译,如下,求翻译、解析 此乃---新视野大学英语第三单元的完形填空是也,最好求解析

Life in a wheelchair is tough. Living on welfare is just like sharing a dinner of raw pet food with the cat. Many welfare clients do not have money to live a decent life.AS a result,lying and cheating the welfare system for extra money becomes normal .However,some unusual individuals,who have made a choice to live a life of complete honesty,do tell the truth to caseworkers and decide any extra income they make.Being honest,however,is not without its problems.Caseworkers will greatly increase the frequency of their visits and leave behind a small mountain of paper work for the client to fill out.The rules say that not a penny is to be unaccounted for.Not a single gift,no matter how small,is to be unreported.These rules and the natural consequent lying unfortunately tends to transform caseworkers from being helpers of the poor to being detectives constantly searching for any forms of cheating.


第1个回答  2011-06-19

这是翻译 LZ打这么些英文也不容易呀 能给我点分吗追问

对不起童鞋 你这样的翻译我也可以做到,摆明就是敷衍我嘛,我也知道我打那么多英文不容易,要多想人家LS的孩子多学学知道不。你看人家嘛。

第2个回答  2011-06-19
第三单元A 部分Hyde was founded in 1966 to provide education based on character development (1)more thanrather thanbetter thanother than academic achievement. It is a place where well-to-do families can send their children who have difficulty in other educational environments. Many students are there (2)thoughwhileevenbecause their parents believe in the educational theory of character (3)beforeafterinstead ofdespite performance.

Although Hyde is (4)ultimatelytypicallyfinallyconsequently categorized as a college preparatory school, the school regards its (5)preliminarypossibleconventionalprimary purpose as preparation for life. Hyde helps students learn, embrace, and (6)adaptadoptbringreceive a character compass that will guide them for the rest of their lives.

Emphasis (7)is placed onis put forthis made intois headed for performing arts and sports. Hyde believes that one needs to (8)showrevealdisplayexpose themselves to group and community interactions as part of the growth process. Competitive sports are played year round and have (9)lay inresulted fromled tosettled down many championships. There are the typical high school classes and academics. Many Advanced Placement courses are (10)applicableavailableacceptablepossible and encouraged. Most students are accepted to four-year colleges and universities.

There are Group "Discovery" sessions several times per week. Students are encouraged to (11)suspendcounselinsultrecognize each other when they think another student's actions or thoughts do not correspond (12)toatforup the school's philosophy. These sessions (13)work outrely onfocus onkeep on the individual students and their current issues and problems faced at the school. Students are encouraged to (14)performreformshareenjoy intimate secrets, doubts and regrets about themselves and their families. These sessions are (15)extendedrangedexploitedexpended to parents. The purpose of these sessions is to (16)relateinvolveinvestinvade the whole family into the Hyde community social structure.

Truth is emphasized (17)beyondfromoverupon harmony. Students who have difficulty with following the school rules are (18)assignedaffordedadmiredassured to perform maintenance jobs and lawn care for the school. The notion is not solely punitive (惩罚的) (19)but thatbut forbut thenbut also serves to illustrate that the transgressor (违规者) has separated him/herself from the community by their actions. The idea behind it is to (20)arouseearnmakeoffer acceptance by the group, and work back into the trust of the community.

答案:1. rather than
2. because
3. before
4. typically
5. primary
6. adopt
7. is placed on
8. expose
9. led to
10. available
11. counsel
12. to
13. focus on
14. share
15. extended
16. involve
17. over
18. assigned
19. but also
20. earn