

Jing is assigned to middle class in my preschool . Her responsiblity is children's daily life and classes, the major task of which is assuring their safty and health . Jing would take kids on spring travel as well as reherse performance for the Children's Festival . What's more , she would do morning exercise and handcraft with the kids ,painting as well .
there is a kid named Cat at the middle class who wasn't emotionally stable when he first came here , he was always crying terribly ,walking around at calss and even didn't want to have anything to eat . At the beginning , Jing tried to comfort him with beautiful words ,but in vain .Later , accordding to her observation , Cat was well concerned on things he liked . So she tried to show him something attracted him such as a story list or painting book . Now ,he is able to sit quietly to read or play toys. Besides , Jing used to help him to eat .However , he is getting used to eat so well on his own that he leaves no food on his plate . As for noon nap , Cat was so energetic that he would walk back and forward and he was unwilling to undress to get some sleep . Especially , he would become anxious when turned dowm his shoes . Now , thanks to the great efforts of Miss Zhang , he has got rid of this bad habit though still doesn't want to undress and ask Miss Zhang to embrace him . No matter how hard , Jing is amazingly patient to take care of Cat . No dout the hardwork is effective when you see Cat follows behind Jing like a little tail .
第1个回答  2011-07-03
1:Quiet in my garden as the Intermediate teacher, responsible for the child's daily school life with its main task is to ensure the safety of children with health. In my garden, quiet children were led Intermediate outing to the zoo and is responsible for sixty-one purpose rehearsal. Together with the children every morning to do morning exercises, hand-afternoon class will do together with the children by hand, learn to draw
2:In a class called CAT child has ADHD, mood at the time he first entered the park is very unstable, always crying very powerful, moving back and forth in class, do not eat every meal, always the beginning of static cajole him, trying to get him to calm down emotions, but does not work. Later, through her observation, something that he likes the above will be very focused, so quiet he would try to get some interesting things to him like a story book or a painting book. Now he has been able to listen to the words of Zhang would sit quietly reading a book or play toy. For dinner the above, just start by static feed him, but now they slowly make their own hands to sit down and eat, but also to eat very clean, is not left. In the lunch break above, static spent a lot of effort, because he likes to walk around, always energetic, never been to the lunch break, when sleep will not want to undress, one off his shoes he began impatient anxiety, crying and not to sleep, now he just get rid of this teacher was Zhang wrong, but then do not undress any, have to hold him to sleep Zhang, anyway, quiet still patiently waiting to take care of Chen Ao Ting, and also very effective, now CAT is all day with the quiet of the back, like a small tail-like
第2个回答  2011-07-03
1 static is in my garden served as the class teacher, responsible for the child's daily classes and life, its main task is to ensure children's safety and health.In my garden, static respectively lead shift kids go to zoo outing and responsible for the six one program.Every morning with his friends to do morning exercise, afternoon craft lesson will with the kids do manual, learning to paint.The 2 shift in a boy named CAT has ADHD, at first entered the garden when the mood is unstable, always crying badly in class walking back and forth, each meal does not eat, just begin static always coaxed him, trying to make him calm mood, but without success.Later, after her observation, found him like the things above will focus on it, so static try to take some of things he was interested in him, like a story book or a drawing book.Now he has to listen to the words of Zhang Laoshi, will sit quietly and read a book or play with toys.To eat it, the beginning is from static to feed him, now also slowly to myself to sit down to dinner, but also to eat very clean, not a little left.During the above, static spent a lot of effort, because he likes to go around, always be full of go, to the lunch break is never willing to undress to sleep off his shoes and he began to be disturbed, cry don't sleep, but now it is being Zhang Laoshi got out of the wrong, but still don't undress to Zhang Laoshi holding his sleep, no matter what, static or very patient to take care of Ao Ting Chen, and also have effect very much, now CAT is the day with the static back, like a small tail.
第3个回答  2011-07-03
1. In my garden as a static is general labor teacher, responsible for the child's daily life with class, its main task is to guarantee the safety of children with health. In my garden, static lead children go to the zoo given respectively responsible for the purpose LiuYiJie rehearsal and spring outing. Every morning with kids when doing morning exercises, afternoon with children with handicraft class will do it manually, learning to paint.
2. A class in a call CAT children with A.D.H.D., just in the garden when the mood is very unstable, always crying of fierce, back and forth in the class walking around, every eat rice don't eat, just start the static always coax him, tried to get him to remove emotion, but don't work. Later, after she found him in the observation, the thing like it will very focused, so the static try took some of what he is interested in ?