
盖茨曾就读于在西雅图的公立小学和私立的湖滨中学。在那里,他发现了他在软件方面的兴趣并且在13岁时开始了计算机编程1973年, 盖茨考进了哈佛大学. 在那里他和现在微软的首席执行官史蒂夫•鲍尔默住在一起。 在哈佛的时候,盖茨为第一台微型计算机 – MITS Altair 开发了BASIC编程语言的一个版本。在大三的时候,盖茨离开了哈佛并把全部精力投入到他与孩提时代的好友Paul Allen在1975年创建的微软公司中。在计算机将成为每个家庭、每个办公室中最重要的工具这样信念的引导下,他们开始为个人计算机开发软件。盖茨的远见卓识以及他将兴趣作为毕生奋斗的激情成为了其成功的关键。

Covered Ci to once study in in the common school and private lake front high school in Seattle.Over there, he discovered that he is in the interest of software and started a calculator plait at the age of 13 distance 1973, covered Ci to enter Harvard University.Over there he with the chief of the now Microsoft executive officer Steve?Powell Mo lives together.On the time in Harvard, cover Ci for first set microcomputer –MITS Altair developed an edition that BASIC weaves distance language.Covered Ci to leave Harvard to combine at big three timeses all energies throw in him good friend Paul of the early childhood ages Allen establish in 1975 of Microsoft company in.Under the guide that calculator will become the most important tool in each family, each office so conviction, their beginning is personal calculator to develop software.Cover the farsighted superior insight of Ci and he is whole life and struggling intense emotion the interest to become its successful key.
第1个回答  2011-06-22
Seattle.Over there, he discovered that he is in the interest of software and started a calculator plait at the age of 13 distance 1973, covered Ci to enter Harvard University.Over there he with the chief of the now Microsoft executive officer Steve?Powell Mo lives together.On the time in Harvard, cover Ci for first set microcomputer –MITS Altair developed an edition that BASIC weaves distance language.Covered Ci to leave Harvard to combine at big three timeses all energies throw in him good friend Paul of the early childhood ages Allen establish in 1975 of Microsoft company in.Under the guide that calculator will become the most important tool in each family, each office so conviction, their beginning is personal calculator to develop software.Cover the farsighted superior insight of Ci and he is whole life and struggling intense emotion the
第2个回答  2011-06-21
第3个回答  2011-06-21