

father mother brother sister son daughter wife
父亲 母亲 哥哥、弟弟 姐姐、妹妹 儿子 女儿 妻子

husband grandfather grandmother aunt uncle cousin
丈夫 祖父;外公 祖母;外婆 姑、姨 叔叔 表兄弟、表姐妹

old tall short strong slim cute
老的 高的 矮的 强壮的 苗条的 逗人喜欢的

beautiful pretty lovely
美丽的 漂亮的 可爱的

chicken duck goose pig cat dog
鸡 鸭子 鹅 猪 猫 狗

bull cow sheep goat horse turtle
公牛 母牛 绵羊 山羊 马 龟

rabbit frog fish goldfish mouse bird guinea pig
兔子 青蛙 鱼 金鱼类 老鼠 鸟   鼠

wardrobe shelf sofa stool chair desk table
衣柜      架子   沙发 凳子 椅子 书桌 桌子

bed cupboard door window floor wall ceiling
床 碗柜 门 窗口 地板 墙 天花板

clock glass map lamp TV fridge computer
钟 玻璃杯 地图 台灯 电视机 电冰箱 计算机

bedroom   living room bathroom kitchen study garage
卧室 客厅 浴室 厨房 书房 车库

building classroom teachers’ room office toilet headmaster’s office library
大楼 课室 教师办公室 办公室 厕所 校长办公室 图书馆

clinic canteen playground swimming pool gate flowerbed statue
诊疗所 饭堂 操场 游泳池 大门 花坛 塑像

exercise book blackboard board rubber tape recorder dictionary chalk
练习本 黑板 黑板擦 录音机 字典 粉笔

in on under beside behind in front of by
在…里面 在…上面 在…下面 在…旁边 在…后面 在…前面 在…旁边

against near between opposite
挨着;靠着 在…附近 在…中间 在…对面

America   Britain/England China   Japan Canada France Germany Australia
美国(USA) 英国(UK) 中国(PRC)  日本 加拿大 法国 德国 澳大利亚

American   British  Chinese Japanese Canadian French   German  Australian
美国人  英国人   中国人 日本人 加拿大人 法国人   德国人   澳大利亚人

red  blue  yellow   orange   green   pink  black white
红色   蓝色    黄色    橙色    绿色    粉红色   黑色 白色

brown grey purple
棕色   灰色   紫色

one two three four five six seven eight nine ten
eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen

Module 1

Unit 1 :26个字母大小写

5个元音字母:Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu

句型:What’s your favourite song? It’s the ABC Song.

Unit 2 单词:computer game car kite ship doll

句型:My favourite toy/colour is---.

Module 2

Unit 1单词:tiger lion elephant monkey panda

big-small fat-thin tall-short

句型:What’s this? It’s a tiger.

What are they? They’re lions. They’re big.

Unit 2句型:Look at the trees.

This tree is tall. That tree is short.

Module 3

Unit 1单词:football basketball table tennis

moring exercises

句型:I like---. I don’t like---.

Unit 2单词:swimming skipping riding bikes

Module 4

Unit 1单词:rice meat noodles fish milk

句型:Pass me the rice,please. Here you are.

Do you like meat? Yes, I do./No,I don’t.

Unit 2 单词:banana pear orange apple

句型:Does he/she like bananas?

Yes, he/she does. /No, he/she doesn’t.

Module 5

Unit 1单词:get up go to school have lunch go home watch TV go to bed 数字1-12:one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve

句型:I --- at --- o’clock.

Unit 2 单词:have breakfast have dinner

句型:What’s the time? It’s half past---. I --- at half past ---.

Module 6

Unit 1单词:English Chinese Maths Science go swimming play football sleep

句型:What do you have at school? I have---.

What do you do at the weekend? I go swimming/play football.

Unit 2单词:Music Art PE play basketball today

句型:What does she/he have at school? She/He has ---.

What does she/he do at the weekend? She/He plays basketball/goes swimming/watches TV and sleeps.

Module 8

Unit 1单词:spring——warm summer——hot

autumn——cool winter——cold

句型:It’s warm in spring. It’s hot in summer.

It’s cool in autumn. It’s cold in winter.

Unit 2 单词:raining sunny windy snowing

句型:It’s warm today,but it’s raining.

It’s hot and sunny today.

It’s cool and windy today.

It’s snowing today.It’s very cold.

Module 9

Unit 1 单词:dress coat sweater T-shirt

句型:I’ve (=I have) got---

Have you got ---? Yes, I have./No,I haven’t.

Has he/she got ---? Yes, he/she has./No,he/she hasn’t.

Unit 2单词:by bike by bus by car walk go to work

句型:She/He has got ---.

She/He hasn’t got---.

He/She goes to schoool by bike/by bus/by car.

She/He walks to work.

Module 10

Unit 1单词:in on under present box bedroom

句型:A present for you. It’s on your desk.

It’s under the chair. It’s in your bedroom.

Unit 2单词:fly kites swim go fishing walk

in the park in the lake under the tree on the snow

句型:In spring,Daming flies kites in the park.

In summer,he swims in the lake.

In autumn,he goes fishing under the tree.

In winter,he walks on the snow.


play-plays sleep-sleeps swim-swims walk-walks

do-does don’t-doesn’t go-goes watch-watches have-has haven’t-hasn’t fly-flies