

第1个回答  2023-07-31

你愿意和我在一起吗英文:Would you like to be with me.


    我喜欢和你一起去旅行。I enjoy traveling with you.

    请你和我一起去购物好吗?Will you go shopping with me, please?

    我会用中文和你交流的。I will communicate with you in Chinese.

    我喜欢和朋友们在一起度过周末。I like spending weekends with friends.

    学习外语需要坚持和努力。Learning a foreign language requires persistence and effort.

    爸爸妈妈经常和我讲故事。My parents often tell stories to me.

    我想和你分享我的快乐。I want to share my happiness with you.

    他很擅长和人们建立良好的关系。He is good at building good relationships with people.

    在工作中,合作和沟通是非常重要的。In work, cooperation and communication are crucial.

    学习双语对个人发展很有益处。Learning two languages is beneficial for personal development.
