full of什么意思?



Jack filled his pockets with chestnuts.杰克将口袋装满栗子。

He filled the glass with water.他将玻璃杯盛满水。The story filled the hearts of the Swiss with pride and courage.这个故事使瑞士人民心中充满自豪和勇气。

fill with有“充满……”之意,fill是不及物动词。如:

Her eyes were filled with tears.她的两眼充满泪水。

比较:Tears filled her eyes.泪水充满了她的两眼。

The room is filled with heavy smoke.满屋浓烟。

比较:The heavy smoke filled the room.浓烟满屋。

be filled with与be full of的区别:be filled with为系表结构,例如:The young man is filled with joy.那青年内心充满喜悦。

The soldiers were filled with anger.战士们满腔怒火。

full of是短语形容词,含义与filled with相近,可充当状语、定语(后置)、或表语。如:

Crusoe stared at the footprint, full of fear.


He received several baskets full of cards, letters and telegrams of congratulations.他收到了满满几篮子表示祝贺的卡片、贺信和贺电。(定语)

As we returned to the home, everything I touched seemed to be full of life.当我们回到家时,我所接触的样样东西似乎都洋溢着生命。(表语)