

Bod, a dad, faces a classic sports parenting dilemma. His 8-year-old daughter, Rachel, played soccer for one season, and now wants to drop out. She says it's no fun for her because she's not as experienced as the other girls.

Bob wonders whether he should insist Rachel give soccer another try. Bob sees sports as great opportunity for his daughter, who attends a private school, to spend some social time with the girls who attend public school. He had urged her to join the team when a neighbor invited her to.

Insisting that kids like Rachel play another season of soccer isn't a good idea. If kids play simply becasue their parents want them to play, they're engaging in "other-motivated" sports activites. Instead, parents need to ensure kids are motivated to play because they want to take part in soports.

In addition, parents like Bob should talk to their children when the kids are concerned about not being as good as the other players. Inthis case, Rachel seems to want to be one of the beast players on the teram. Bob might encourage Rachel to focus more on the fun, and tell her makinig mistakes is all a part of learning.

Kids often threaten to quit playing a game after making a mistake. It's important for parents of these children to ensure they're not pressuring the kids to perform well. Moms and dads need to tell kids they're not exprected to be perfect. Parents should be sure that all their feedback is positive. Negative feedback —— "You shouldn't have swung at that pitch" —— will likely increase a child's desire to be "perfect" —— or the "best" on the team.