

1.The Great Gatsby was published in 1922 by F. Scott Fitzgerald. At first glance, the novel appears to be a simple love story, but further examination reveals Fitzgerald's masterful scrutiny of American society during the 1920s and the corruption of the American dream.

F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby (1926) is, at first sight, a novel about love, idealism and disillusionment. However, it soon reveals its hidden depths and enigmas. What is the significance of the strange "waste land" between West Egg and New York, where Myrtle Wilson meets her death, an alien landscape presided over by the eyes of T J Eckleburg whose eyes, like God's, "see everything"? And what are we to make of the novel's unobtrusive symbolism (the green light, the colour of American dollar bills, which burns at the end of Daisy's dock, the references to the elements - land, sea and earth - over which Gatby claims mastery, the contrast between "East" and "West"), or its subtle use of the personalised first narrator, the unassuming Nick Carraway?

It is a novel which has intrigued and fascinated readers. Clearly, as a self-proclaimed "tale of the West", it is exploring questions about America and what it means to be American. In this sense Gatsby is perhaps that legendary opus, the "Great American Novel", following in the footsteps of works such as Moby Dick and Huckleberry Finn.

We will return to this aspect of the novel in more detail later on. However, we also need to be aware that it is a novel which has much to be say about more abstract questions to do with faith, belief and illusion. Although rooted in the "Jazz Age" which Fitzgerald is so often credited with naming, it is also a novel which should be considered alongside works like The Waste Land, exploring that "hollowness at the heart of things" which lies just below the surface of modern life.

Eliot himself remarked that the novel "interested and excited me more than any new novel I have seen, either English or American, for a number of years". Viewed from more distant perspectives it is possible to see Gatsby as an archetypally tragic figure, the epitome of idealism and innocence which strives for order, purpose and meaning in a chaotic and hostile world. In this sense Gatsby contains religious and metaphysical dimensions: the young man who shapes a "Platonic vision of himself" and who endows the worthless figure of Daisy with religious essence, eventually passes away into nothingness, with few at the funeral to lament the passing of his romantic dream.


弗·斯·菲茨杰拉德的了不起的盖茨比(1926年),乍一看,是一种新型的关于爱情、理想主义和虚假。然而,很快就深藏不露,揭示了它是个谜。有什麽重要性旷野奇怪”“在西鸡蛋和纽约,在那里,桃金娘威尔逊和她的死亡,一个陌生的土地,主持T J Eckleburg眼睛的眼睛,就像神的、“看一切”吗?和我们怎样使小说的不唐突的象征(绿色之光的色彩,美国美金,烧结束时参考,戴西的码头的元素——陆地、海洋和地球——Gatby声称的掌握,对比“东宫”和“西部”),或其微妙的使用个人第一旁白,而谦逊的尼克Carraway吗?



第1个回答  2010-11-25
Angel or Devil?

Abstract: Is Pearl an angel for Hester or a devil who makes Hester suffer more? The child and the scarlet letter parallel each other; both represent the mother's sin--the child being a physical representation and the scarlet letter being a symbol. So she always reminds Hester of her sin, however she is Hester's love and mentor of life. Hester, without a helpless child to protect and guide, might not accept her punishment quite so passively as she seems to. However, would she be happier than now?

Key Words: The Scarlet Letter, Pearl, angel, devil, Hester

To be frank, Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter is the unique book I have read in this semester. However I feel lucky for it is not boring at all, furthermore, it attracted me at the beginning. So I want to and have to write my paper about this novel.

Most literary critics agree that The Scarlet Letter is Nathaniel Hawthorne's finest and most important work , so do I. In this novel, the one who impressed me most is not Hester, Chillingworth or Dimmesdal but Pearl. Sometimes, she looks like an angel, but sometimes she is like a devil. So I cannot help wondering whether Pearl is an angel or a devil? When I am asking this question, actually, I mean just for Hester, is Pearl like an angel or like a devil?

First, Pearl is Hester Prynne's daughter. With rare exception, wherever the mother is found, the child is also there. When the town official escort her from the prison so that the townspeople might see her. Pearl is also there --a baby of three months old, winking and turning her little face from the bright sun. As Pearl grows older, her mother dresses her in brilliant colors, for Pearl is her one proud possession. Later, her mother has named her Pearl, with meaning of treasure. Little Pearl has beauty, intelligence and physical gracefulness. She is described as a lovely flower, having sprung from a guilty passion. Sometimes Pearl is fanciful to the point that she is almost amusing. For instance, while her mother talks with Roger Chillingworth near the seashore, the imaginative child makes herself a mermaid's costume our of seaweed. Then, as a crowing touch, she gathers some eel-grass and makes for herself a green letter "A", imitating as closely as possible her mother's scarlet letter. Pearl often plays in the sunshine; whereas the sunshine will not shine directly on Hester. The child is so close to nature that the little animal in the forest scene, such as partridges, pigeons, and squirrels, almost completely ignore her when she is passing by them. They recognize a wildness in the human child comparable to their own. Pearl is also very sympathetic person. For example, during the festivities of the New England Holiday, it is Pearl who describes Dimmesdale. She remarks that in the dark nighttime and in the forest he is one type of person--loving and friendly; in the sunny days, he is a different sort of man, for he does not know them. She remarks:"A strange, sad man is he, with his hand always over his heart!" Pearl, by instinct, has supposed some things to be true which are true.

All of these express the good aspect of Pearl. However, there are also majority of words that will give the opposite impression.

She is also Hester's child of sin. She obeys no ruled unless she wishes to do so. Her moods change quickly. If she is crossed in any way, the child flies into a passion. At one moment, she is wild, desperate, and filled with bad temper and gloom; then, suddenly, she can change in the sunny, happy child who wants to assure her mother of her love by kissing her. Pearl seems to have no set standard to govern her own behaviour-- she reacts according to her particular feeling of the moment. Moreover, she has a certain peculiar look on her face which sometimes causes Hester to question whether or not Pearl is a human child or a being from another world like a little elf. Her eyes are wild, bright, deeply-black. She is described as an imp of evil, emblem and product of sin. The Puritan children flee in fear when resentful Pearl chases after them, flinging stones and shrill words at them. Once, Hester is frightened when she looks into the mirror of Pearl's eyes. She sees a freakish, elfish look there. In the headpiece of the armour in Governor Bellingham's hall, Hester is disturbed to see Pearl's expression, as it is reflected in the metal mirror. The child has an elfish look of naughty merriment, as if an imp were seeking to mould itself in Pearl's shape. Attracted by the brightness of her mother's scarlet letter, the three-year-old Pearl plays game, flinging wildflowers at her mother's symbol of sin. When Pearl playfully declares that she has no Heavenly Father, Hester remembers that some of the townspeople regard Pearl as an offspring of the devil.

Then, is Pearl an angel for Hester or a devil who makes Hester suffer more? The child and the scarlet letter parallel each other; both represent the mother's sin--the child being a physical representation and the scarlet letter being a symbol. So she always reminds Hester of her sin, however she is Hester's love and mentor of life. Hester, without a helpless child to protect and guide, might not accept her punishment quite so passively as she seems to. However, would she be happier than now? Do you remember the scene when she defends her capability to care for Pearl when she talks with Governor Bellingham, one of people planing to take the child from her? She loves Dimmesdal in a sense, so she must love their child, Pearl. It is Pearl who stay with her for a so long time. From my point of view, she is an angel for Hester, and this is also the reason why Hester gave Pearl this kind of name.

In fact, in our real life, how can a mother hate her own child? This is the strongest reason for my understanding. Totally speaking, Pearl, like an angel, is always guarding Hester all the time, and so does Hester, who always keep protecting Pearl in her whole life.

第2个回答  2010-11-25