



She is Tu Youyou, the 2015 Nobel Prize winner in medicine.


Tu youyou was born in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province. When she was a child, malaria was prevalent in her hometown. When she was young, she witnessed one fall after another, and her relatives were deeply grieved.


Malaria is a serious worldwide epidemic, which has killed hundreds of millions of people all over the world. Tu couldn't bear to see people die, so she was determined to find a "magic bullet" to treat malaria.


After all, the road to science is too narrow, too steep. A small laboratory, old equipment. Tu youyou and his team work day and night in the studio. They take drugs in person, ignore their health and life and death, and devote themselves to drug research and development.


Because of the poor environment and the pungent smell of the medicine jar, Tu youyou got toxic hepatitis. Tu Youyou, they have made great progress on the thorny road of science.


In 1972, she and her colleagues named the colorless crystal extracted from Artemisia annua "artemisinin". In 1973, Tu youyou synthesized "dihydroartemisinin" on the basis of the original.


第1个回答  2023-06-08



She is Tu Youyou, the 2015 Nobel Prize winner in medicine.


Tu youyou was born in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province. When she was a child, malaria was prevalent in her hometown. When she was young, she witnessed one fall after another, and her relatives were deeply grieved.


Malaria is a serious worldwide epidemic, which has killed hundreds of millions of people all over the world. Tu couldn't bear to see people die, so she was determined to find a "magic bullet" to treat malaria.


After all, the road to science is too narrow, too steep. A small laboratory, old equipment. Tu youyou and his team work day and night in the studio. They take drugs in person, ignore their health and life and death, and devote themselves to drug research and development.


Because of the poor environment and the pungent smell of the medicine jar, Tu youyou got toxic hepatitis. Tu Youyou, they have made great progress on the thorny road of science.


In 1972, she and her colleagues named the colorless crystal extracted from Artemisia annua "artemisinin". In 1973, Tu youyou synthesized "dihydroartemisinin" on the basis of the original.


第2个回答  2023-06-08
Tu Youyou was born in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, China, in 1930. She became a researcher in traditional medicine in the 1960s and made significant contributions to the development of a new drug to treat malaria. As a result of her research, Tu discovered Artemisinin and was awarded the Nobel Prize in 2015.
Tu's contributions to medicine and her dedication to the research of traditional Chinese medicine have not only helped to save millions of lives, but they have also brought attention to the importance of Traditional Chinese Medicine worldwide.
Tu's achievement has not only attracted global attention, but it has also brought about a renewed appreciation for Chinese culture. Her work highlights the valuable contributions that Chinese traditional medicine can make to global health issues.
The Chinese translation of the Nobel Prize winner's name has been gaining popularity in recent years, inspiring renewed interest in traditional Chinese medicine. This is not only an honor for Tu Youyou, but it is also an opportunity to promote and appreciate the diversity and richness of Chinese culture.
In conclusion, Tu Youyou's accomplishment has not only brought honor to herself and her country, but it has also created an opportunity for greater appreciation and understanding of traditional Chinese medicine. Tu's contribution to medicine and culture is truly admirable, and her legacy will continue to inspire generations to come. 屠呦呦于1930年出生在中国浙江省宁波市。她在20世纪60年代成为传统医学的研究员,为治疗疟疾开发了一种新药,做出了重大贡献。基于她的研究,屠呦呦发现了青蒿素,并在2015年获得了诺贝尔奖。屠氏对医学的贡献和对传统中药研究的奉献不仅帮助拯救了数百万人的生命,也向全球呼吁重视中医药的重要性。她的成就不仅引起了全球的关注,也使中国文化得到了新的认可。她的工作突显了中国传统药物对全球卫生问题的有价值贡献。