

我觉得当代大学生不缺专业知识 最缺乏的就是雄心壮志 太求安逸的生活 没有明知山有虎 偏向虎山行的勇气 最后这些人就会逐渐走向平庸
第1个回答  2020-12-13
第2个回答  2020-12-13
Quality-oriented education refers to an educational model aiming at improving the educatees' quality in various aspects. It attaches importance to people's ideological and moral quality, ability cultivation, personality development, physical health and mental health education.Correspond with exam-oriented education.
As a contemporary youth, I think we are the most need is mental health, why do you say that, as a teacher, I have seen a lot of students, in general, most teenagers to receive is very weak and the ability to cope with difficulties is very weak, often for these foreign problems, they often in a passive state even in extreme way to deal with, personality development is definitely has a great progress, but gradually to see it with the negative, the developing direction of good and bad, really very important, but depending on the people have ignored it.
第3个回答  2020-12-14
第4个回答  2020-12-14
可能就是农业旁观面 对于别人有一个不好再管你了 否则人知道哪里说成且没有更多的想法和热情
第5个回答  2020-12-13