

话说,没有你的情况难道只有写我的啦,亲~~*^__^*---------------------------- 我于____月_____日出生在_____,今年____岁。我认为是一个活泼开朗乐于助人积极上进的____生。现在我在_____学校上学。我的班级是六年级_____班。在我们班上,大家都非常团结有爱,我爱我的班级,我爱我的学校。 除了上课,在周末完成了作业以后,有时候我会去游泳、打篮球、骑车…我十分热爱运动。闲暇之余,有时候我还会安静地看看书、画点画。周末都是在愉快中度过的。 我还有爸爸妈妈组成了我们这个三口之家。我经常帮助妈妈做家务打扫卫生,妈妈夸我是好孩子。我还常常和爸爸交流我学习上遇到的问题。每次餐桌上我还会告诉他们一些学校里发生的有趣的事情。爸爸妈妈总是笑眯眯地倾听我的诉说。我们永远都相爱着。-------------------- I was born in _____ at ____ ____(时间).I'm ___ years old.I think I am a boy/girl who are very lively and active.I also like help some people that they are in the trouble. I study in ____(学校).My class is Grade 6 class___.(几班)In our class,we are very rally and friendly.I love my class, I love my school. Besieds to study,when I finished my homework,sometimes I will go siwmming 、play basketball 、ride the bicycle… I love doing exercises.Sometimes I also will read some books、draw some pictures quietly. I always spend a weekends with pleasant. My father、mother and I make up our three people-family.I often help my mum do some housework,she praised me was a good kid.I usually talk with my dad about some questions of my study day.When we are having dinner , I often tell some pleasant things in school to them. Dad and mum always listen to me. We love each other forever.---------------唉。不知道可不可以哈。这是我自己写的。不是范文。。。