

    Would/Could you do me a favor?

    I wonder if you could do me a favor?

    I had been wondering if you could help me.

    I beg a favor of you.

    Could you spare me a few minutes, sir?

    I would be very much obliged if you could/would 。。。

    1~6表示礼貌可以在前面加Excuse me.

    May I venture to ask you for a favor?或Please excuse me to make bold to ask you to do me a favor.(不常用)

    如果是很熟的朋友之间,可以用比较随便的口气,如:Be a sport and lend me a hand(这里sport意为“气量大度的人”),请别人帮忙还可以说“Would you give me a hand?”(问异性Would you give me your hand? 则是求婚。)

    问陌生人时间可以用:“Excuse me, but could you tell me what time it is now? ”现在英语也趋向于简单明了,很少说“Would you be kind enough to tell me the time?”

第1个回答  2017-11-20
开口请人帮个忙,你会觉的不好意思吗?每个人都有需要帮助的时候,一句诚恳礼貌的请求,相信他人也不会拒绝。来学几句请求帮助的口语吧! 请人帮忙该如何开口? 按照汉语的语用习惯,问对方忙不忙是有求于对方的一种“先行词”,英语问别人“Are you b
第2个回答  2017-11-20
can you help me?
第3个回答  2017-11-20
could you help me?
第4个回答  2017-11-20
can you help me?