雷神之锤乐队的《always will be》的中文歌词谁有?


Here is love's sea I never see Any other sea is so beautiful But I know Nobody can cross over it My love and me We don't have wings So we can't fly to the other side But we can make a boat Drift to afar My love and me We drift to afar by boat Maybe it is so hard But I'll always with my love My love and me We wanna cross over love's sea Maybe we can't cross over to the other side But we can live in this boat lifetime Always will Your kisses like sunshine in my eyes I don't know When do we can cross over this love's sea But it is not important Because I just wanna always be with you Yes,just wanna be with you Maybe over a long time We still can't cross over love's sea But on this boat only you and me This is sufficient My love and me We drift to afar by boat Maybe it is so hard But I'll always with my love My love and me We wanna cross over love's sea Maybe we can't cross over to the other side But we can live in this boat lifetime Always will My love and me We drift to afar by boat Maybe it is so hard But I'll always with my love My love and me We wanna cross over love's sea Maybe we can't cross over to the other side But we can live in this boat lifetime Always will (中文翻译) 这里是爱的海洋 我从未看见过 任何其他比它漂亮的海洋 但是我知道 没有人可以穿越过它 我的爱人与我 我们没有翅膀 所以我们无法飞向彼岸 但是我们可以做一叶扁舟 漂流向远方 我的爱人与我 我们用一叶扁舟飘向远方 也许这是如此辛苦 但是我会永远陪着我的爱人 我的爱人与我 我们想要穿越爱的海洋 也许我们无法穿越到彼岸 但是我们可以一辈子生活在这一叶扁舟上 此生不渝 你的吻在我眼中就像阳光一般 我不知道 我们什么时候能穿越这爱的海洋 但是这并不重要 因为我只是想一直陪着你 是的,只是想一辈子陪着你 或许过了很长时间 我们依然无法穿越爱的海洋 但是在这一叶扁舟上只有你和我 这就已经足够 我的爱人与我 我们用一叶扁舟飘向远方 也许这是如此辛苦 但是我会永远陪着我的爱人 我的爱人与我 我们想要穿越爱的海洋 也许我们无法穿越到彼岸 但是我们可以一辈子生活在这一叶扁舟上 此生不渝 我的爱人与我 我们用一叶扁舟飘向远方 也许这是如此辛苦 但是我会永远陪着我的爱人 我的爱人与我 我们想要穿越爱的海洋 也许我们无法穿越到彼岸 但是我们可以一辈子生活在这一叶扁舟上 此生不渝
