apart from 有两个意思:除了……以外(别无/尚有),怎样区分在句子中是什么意思?


根据日常实际用法:句子开头用Apart from the case.....就是"除了..以外",一般在句子后面用的: Those are our results apart from something to be updated.谨供参考!追答


第1个回答  2015-07-05
第2个回答  2015-07-05
第3个回答  2015-07-05
Besides, except和apart from用法之异同
Besides John, we also went there.除了约翰外,我们也去了那里。
Who else heard of it besides you?除了你外还有谁听说过此事。
He cleaned all the rooms except the bathroom.除了洗澡间,他把所有的房间都清扫了。
I looked everywhere except here.除了这里外,我找遍了所有地方。
3.Apart from有两种含义:
Apart from my mother tongue, I speak several foreign languages as well.除了母语外,我还会讲好几种外语。
He has no other interests, apart from his work.除了工作外,他别无其他兴趣。
I like all the subjects apart from English.除了英语外,我喜欢所有学科。
They all went to see the movie except him.除了他外,他们都去看电影了。
(3)In addition (to)相当于besides. 意为“除……以外(还包括)”、“加之”。例如:
In addition to the names on the list there are six other applicants.除了名单上名字外,还有另外六个求职者。
He lost his job and in addition to that his wife left him.除了妻子离他而去外,他还失去了工作。

besides,but,except,exept for,excepting,apart from的区别

(1) besides与except 前者表示”除...以外,还有...”;后者表示”从整体中除去...” 这个大家都知道,就不举例子了.

( 2)except与except for
a.除去的和非除去的是同类事物,用except eg: All the essays are well written except Nelson's. Nelson的文章(除去的)和All the essays(非除去的)是同类事物,所以用except.
b.除去的和非除去的不是同类事物,用except for,并且从语气上通常表示遗憾. eg:His essay is well written except for a few spelling mistakes. a few spelling mistakes(除去的)和His essay(非除去的)是不同类的事物.

(3) apart from 具有多重意义:既可表示besides,也可以表示exept或exept for,还可以表示without的意思 eg: Apart from the cost,it will take a lot of time.(=besides) The orphan had no one to take care of him apart from his uncle.(=except) He has done good work,apart from a few slight faults.(=except for) There can be no knowledge apart from practice.实践出真知.(=without)

(4) excepting =except,但一般用于句首或用于not,without,always等词之后 eg: Excepting his brother,they are all right. Everyone,not excepting myself,must share the blame. All of us,without excepting those who know more about the subject,should study. All my brothers com here every day,always excepting the youngest.

(5) but与except同义,但but多用在every,any,no等和由这些词构成的复合词如everything,anywhere,nobody等 词以后及all,none之后 eg: The children go to school everyday but Sunday. They are all gone but me. You can get the book anywhere but here. There is no one but me. Who but George would do such a thing?