
你好 我是你的中国粉丝 你的视频做的太棒了 我也想向你学习
可以告诉我你都用了什么软件制作的吗 ?详细的软件名
还有你的工作顺序 比如先做歌曲还是先做视频

Hello, I am a fan of yours from China. Your video is just fabulous! I'd like to learn from you.
Could you please tell me what software you used for the production? Specific names of the software please. Also, please tell me the procedures of your production, composing the song or making the video first, for example.

Your advice is very much appreciated.

1/ Fan是单数,fans是复数。你怎么能一个人还用复数fans呢?
2/ " I'd like to learn". 向谁学? 原文中说 "向你学", 所以要有 from you. 你的呢?
3/ " software you was used" 这才叫XXXX, 难道不是用软件而是用"你"?
4/ "direct name", 这是什么? 英文不通.
5/ "create the song", 原文是做歌曲,不是"创造歌曲". 做歌曲是Compose, 不是create.
6/ "create the video", 原文是做,不是创造. 你又错了.
7/ 在现代英文书信中, 接受别人给与的忠告, 比较虔诚和尊重的说法是appreciate(即:感谢).这里是"感谢你的忠告"而不是"感谢你". 有什么错? "Your advice is very much appreciated" 这个用法在世界英语国家很普遍.

小朋友, 多学习, 别半桶水就乱晃!! 问问你的外教老师吧,如果你有的话. 什么叫"信,达,雅" (现代翻译之父严复先生所说), 你好好学习吧.

还有: 什么叫form China?
第1个回答  2011-01-16
楼上的回答狗屁不通,your advice is very much根本不是这样用的,还i am a fan of yours,英语用法没有这样的用。

hi,i am your fans form China.the video you made is really great,i d like to learn.
i m wondering if you could tell me which software you was used and please tell me the direct name of it,and i also want to know about your working order,like whether create the song first or creat the video first.thanks a lot..!

职责我的那位你太搞笑了,我生活这么多年在国外就可以名正言顺的告诉你你把very much放句中绝对是大错特错的。其次,direct 有什么不对,再次,fans本身就是一个noun,不是所有加了s的就是复数好吧?from yours从语法上没错,但是英语里不这么用!i d like to learn是省略句,前句已经铺垫过了。compose是合成,creat是创造,两者是有不同,但是人家也没有说合成吧。software 和you中间可以加一个无必要的which,原意完全无问题,但是这里可以省略which的。我知道你姜觉得自己老的辣,你这么长篇大论谴责我就很高雅了。算了算了,我没有那么多时间像你在网上耗费。
第2个回答  2011-01-16
Hello, I'm a huge fan of you in China. The video you made is amazing! I'd like to learn from you. Could you please tell me which software you used to make the video? Could you tell me the specific name of it and your working procedure, such as dealing with the song first or with the video first? Thank you so much!
第3个回答  2011-01-16
hello,i am your fan in china.your video are made too perfect! i want to learn how to make it, can you teach me? what's more ,which software do you use to make the video? could you tell me the name of th software?and when you do the video,what do you do first? for example,you make the song first,or the video first?
i am looking forward to hearing from you,thank you very much!本回答被网友采纳
第4个回答  2011-01-16
Hello, I'm your Chinese fan made video of your great I would like to learn from you
Can you tell me what software you have made with it? Details of the software name
Working order and your songs do first, or do first video for example
Thank you very much