

A week later, Wang Peng's restaurant was almost full of people, and he felt happy. Maybe he will be able to earn a living, but not to close his restaurant. He didn't want to be in debt because the restaurant was not popular. He stood at the door with a smile to greet his guests warmly. But he saw Yong Hui came in, a smile on the face disappeared. Glared at him, don't look too happy. "What did you do in my restaurant that day?"" She asked loudly, "I would have thought you were a new customer and now I find you only came to spy on me and my menu." Wang Peng in a calm mood to explain, "I'm sorry, last week I want to know my customer is where to go for dinner. I don't want to upset you, but I found that your menu is too small, so I'm not worried, I also started to promote the benefits of my restaurant food. Why don't you sit down and have a meal?"
Yong Hui agreed to stay. Not a moment, two of them with relish to eat dumplings and garlic and chest. When you want to eat ice cream, Yong Hui began to feel uncomfortable. She said, "eat so much greasy, difficult to digest food, I feel sick.". I want to eat my vegetables and fruit." At this time, Wang Peng is eating second plates of dumplings, he sighed, said, "the same, (if in your restaurant) I also want to eat my dumplings and fat. Don't you think it's easy to be tired?" "Yes, I do often need to rest;" Yong Hui admitted, "but don't you think you were a bit thinner and better? I believe, so you will feel more healthy."
They began to talk about the menu and the balanced diet. Wang Peng explained, "my research shows that the two of you and I don't provide a balanced diet. I do not provide enough fiber food, and you do not provide adequate nutrition and calories. Maybe we should put our thoughts together and make a balanced diet rich in nutrition, calories and fiber." So they did it. They use raw vegetables with hamburgers, boiled potatoes are not fried potatoes, fresh fruit with the ice cream. In this way, they reduced the fat content of the meal, and increased the cellulose. Their balanced diet is very effective, Wang Peng was soon lost, and Yong Hui is fat, not long afterwards, the two men found, their business cooperation into private cooperation. Finally, they got married and lived happily ever after.