
1 连接词(连接词放在哪里?被译为什么?意思相近的要有说明区别)
2 从句语序
3 时态
4 举1个例子


先行词 + 关系代词/关系副词 + 定语从句
We believed anything that he said.

He talked cheerfully about the film and the actress that interested him.
2.先行词作定语从句的表语,关系代词只能用that, 也可以省略。
My father is no longer the man (that) he was.
3. that不能用于非限制性定语从句
4.如果定语从句是一个there be结构,而且先行词作定语从句的主语,关系代词为that,也可以省去
He asked for the latest book (that) there was on the subject.

The 10:00 train, which comes from Beijing, is late today.
He said he had entered for the marathon race, which was not true.
They played the recorder loudly, which made us angry.
the people whose house was broken into
(=their house, whose 相当于先行词的所有格whose + 名词在定语从句中充当主语或宾语)
the house whose door has a glass panel (先行词为非生命名词)
(= the door of which)
2.先行词也可以是含地点意义的抽象名词,如situation, culture, case等
He was in a hopeless situation where(=in which) nobody could help him.
Education reached the point where a change is needed.
关系副词或关系代词的选择取决于对定语从句句子成分的分析, 准确判断定语从句中缺状语(时间、地点、原因)还是缺主语、宾语。不能仅根据先行词是表示时间、地点、原因的名词就选择when, where, why作关系副词。
the library from which I borrow books
(that) I borrow books from
2. 短语动词不能与动词分离。
the book (that) I came across ( √ )
the book across which I came ( × )
3. 非限制性定语从句中,只能用 “介词+ whom/which”结构
The house, for which he paid a million yuan, is found leaking.
4. 介词的选择取决于句意或惯用搭配
Fortunately we had a map, without which we would have got lost. (=without the map)
In the dark street, there wasn’t a single person to whom she could turn for help. (= turn to him for help)
5.数量限定词/名词 + of + whom/which
(1) 数量限定词 + of + whom/which
The students, most of whom were fooled by the company, were complaining angrily.
(2) 名词 + of + which 表示所有格关系
Recently I bought an ancient Chinese vase, the price of which was very reasonable.
(或of which the price)
(一)介词 + which + 名词 (在定语从句中作状语)
He may come, in which case I’ll ask him.
It rained heavily all night, during which time the fishing boat sank.
He emigrated in 1948, at which time there was much trouble in Europe.
(二)含有I think,I suppose等插入语的定语从句
把I think, I suppose, I’m afraid, I consider, they say等插入定语从句
He has written a new book which I am sure any of you will enjoy.
John is a newcomer who they say will be superior to anyone else in math.
He gave me more than I had expected.
We needn’t eat more nutrients than is necessary for us.(=than what is necessary)
He did his job better than is required of him.
注:后两句than即是连接词,又是关系代词,在定语从句中里作主语。这种情况下, than后面不用加it。
(四) as 用作关系代词
1. as可用作关系代词,用于非限制性定语从句,修饰前面整个句子,或部分句子。
As we had expected, the airliner landed safely.
As is reported on TV, China’s manned spaceship has been launched into space.
as作宾语的短语:as we know, as you can see
as作主语的短语:as is often the case
2. such/the same …as
We should sing such songs as will inspire them.
The same accident as happened to me happened to other drivers.
(五) which, as用法比较
1. 在SVC/SV 结构中, which, as可互换使用。
He married her, as/which was natural.(主谓表)
The ship was frozen in, as/which frequently happens in that area. (主谓)
2. 在SVO(C)结构中, 用which,不用as。
He won the final, which delighted us.(主谓宾)
3. as引导的定语从句在意义上不可与主句相悖,而且一般肯定句,对主句意义起辅助作用,表示“正如”等意义
Mother treats me just like a baby, which I can’t bear.
as I can’t bear (×)
She married again, which was unexpected.
as was unexpected (×)
(六) as + 分词
The plane arrived at six, as (was) scheduled.
The project went smoothly, as (was) planned.
Her voice was a great attraction to young people, as described above.
宾语从句:I don’t know where he will go.
主语从句:Where he will go is unknown.
表语从句:The problem is how we can get so much money.
同位语从句:We all feel sorry about the news that he failed in the game.
1. whether和if都可以引导宾语从句表达“是否”意,(即引导宾语从句时if和whether
(1) 引导主语从句,且在句首时。例:Whether he has won the tennis is not known.(但
It is not known whether/if he has won the tennis).
(2) 引导表语从句时。例The problem is whether he can get a job.
(3) 引导同位语从句时。例:I have no idea whether he will come.
(4) 介词后的whether从句。例:I worry about whether I hurt her feelings.
2. 位于句首引导主语从句的that不可忘。
例如:That he got the first place in the competition surprised all of us.
3. 在“It is suggested/proposed/ordered/a pity/no wonder/necessary/strange/…+
例如:It is suggested that we(should) improve the relations between us.
It is a pity that one(should) stay in one place all one´s life.
It is strange that she should have failed to see her own shortcomings(缺点).
4. 在“The reason why…is that…”句式中that不要误为because.
例如:The reason why he didn´t go to school yesterday is that he was ill.
5. 名词从句中that,what用法比较:
thing(s) that.
例如:It was told in yesterday´s newspaper that what the students had done was praised
by the factory.
I know what he will study.
That he works hard at his lessons is known to us all.
What he works hard at is known to us all.
All I ask is that you should tell the truth./He is not what(=the person that)he
used to be.他和以前大不相同了。
6. where在名词从句中的使用特点:
where在名词从句中有时可以变为“the place where”,有时可以变为“介词+the place where” 形式。例如:
主从:Where(=The place where)she has gone is still unknown.
宾从:Would you please tell me where(=the place where) Mr Smith lives?
表从:Your dictionary remains where(=in/at the place where)you put.
同位从:Have you any idea where(=of the place where) she is spending her holidays?
7. 无论是哪种名词从句都是陈述语序。例如:
I know where he lives./Please tell me what her name is.
What´s the matter with him? She asked me what was the matter with him.
Who looks after your grandfather? He asked me who looked after my grandfather.
第1个回答  2011-01-18
1.宾语从句:跟在及物动词后面,连接词常用的有that ,when,where,how,what,why等
eg:I don't kow what to do.(主从句时态保持一致)
eg:That was why I was absent that day..(主从句时态保持一致)
eg:He is the teacher that /who teaches us maths.(主从句时态保持一致)
eg:She , who was a beautiful girl five years ago,now has become a mother of three children.
eg:What he said just now puzzles me.(谓语动词一般用单数)
eg:Though he is a child ,he knows a lot.
第2个回答  2011-01-18
我不想要分 给你分享点我个人经验吧...
从句 顾名思义 就是在主句的基础上把部分需要修饰的修饰一下。


第3个回答  2011-01-18