

Irelia, the Blade Mistress
Trundle, the Troll King
Ezreal, the Mystic Hunter
Alistar, the Soul Reaver
Amumu, the Sad Mummy
Anivia, the Crystalline Phoenix
Annie, the Darkened Damsel
Ashe, the Frost Archer
Cho'Gath, the Flesh Golem
Fiddlesticks, the Reaper of Fools
Gangplank, the Saltwater Scourge
Kayle, the Judgment Angel
Kassadin, the Void Walker
Corki, the Daring Pilot
Dr. Mundo, the Worldbreaker
Evelynn, the Widowmaker
Taric, the Golden Shield
Katarina, the Blade Dancer
Morgana, the Fallen Angel
Nasus, the Frenzied Demon
Nunu, the Yeti Rider
Rammus, the Armored Turtle
Ryze, the Enlightened Sorcerer
Sivir, the War Goddess
Teemo, the Swift Scout
Tristana, the Booming Battlebot
Tryndamere, the Unchained Warrior
Twisted Fate, the Card Master
Twitch, the Plaguebringer
Singed, the Alchemist
Soraka, the Star Guardian
Warwick, the Blood Hunter
Zilean, the Chronicler
Heimerdinger, the Mad Inventor
Shaco, the Demon Jester
Nidalee, the Jungler
Veigar, the Tiny Master
Blitzcrank, the Steam朋机器人
Pantheon, the War King
Malphite, the Rock of the Ages
Garen, the Steel Soldier
Kennen, the Stormbringer
Malzahar, the Nexus Prophet
Shen, the暮光之眼
Xin Zhao, the Orphan勇士
Kog Maw, the Abyssal Worm
Akali, the Fist of the North Star
Caitlyn, the Sheriff of Piltover
Galio, the Grand Master
Gragas, the Bombardier
LeBlanc, the Faceless Sorceress
Lux, the Enlightened Blade
Miss Fortune, the Ace Hunter
Sona, the Luminous Bard
Vladimir, the Crimson Reaper
Leona, the Radiant Sun
Yorick, the Gravedigger
Shyvana, the Dragon's Daughter