

Trade discount(商业折扣)
A trade discount is a reduction in the list price. It is often given in return for bulk purchase order.
Settlement discount (现金折扣)
A settlement discount (cash discount) is a reduction of in the amount payable. It is often given in return for earlier payment.
02、Accounting for discount
Trade discount 商业折扣
Trade discounts allowed should be deducted from the sales price.:直接在采购或者销售的时候就减去
Golden purchases goods on credit from Supplier A at a gross cost of $100, and receives a trade discount of 5%.
Dr Purchase 95 (100-100*5%)
Cr Payable 95 (100-100*5%)
Sale 站在销售方的角度
Golden purchases goods on credit from Customer B at a gross cost of $100, and offer a trade discount of 5%.
Dr Receivables 95 (100-100*5%)
Cr Sales 95 (100-100*5%)
cash discount 现金折扣
现金折扣的处理分为discount received和 discount allowed:
For buyer (discount received):
At transaction date, record full invoiced amount. If subsequently take the discount, then the discount received is recorded as an income.
站在采购方的角度,如果后续使用了现金折扣,那么就记录一个收入discount received。
For seller (discount allowed):
If a customer is expected to take up a cash/settlement discount, the discount is deducted from sales revenue. If the customer subsequently does not take up the discount, the discount is then recorded as sales revenue.
If the customer is not expected to take up the discount, the full invoiced amount is recognized as revenue when recording the sale.
If the customer subsequently does take up the discount, revenue is then reduced by the discount.
Accounting for customer B:discount received
1. At 1 July 20x6. Initially record the purchase as follows 记录采购:
Dr Purchases 2000
Cr Payable 2000
2. If subsequently take the discount(paid before 14 July 20x6)如果使用了现金折扣:
Dr Payable 2000
Cr Cash 1920 (2000-2000*4%)
Cr Discount received 80 (income) (2000*4%=80)
3、If subsequently not take (paid after 14 July 20x6)如果后续没有使用现金折扣:
Dr Payable 2000
Cr Cash 2000
Accounting for supplier A:discount allowed
1. At 1 July 20x6. If A expected the customer B will take the advantage of the early settlement discount销售的时候预计客户会使用现金折扣:
Dr Receivable 1920 (2000-2000*4%)
Cr Sales 1920
2. If subsequently take the discount (paid before 14 July 20x6)如果客户后续确实使用了现金折扣
Dr Cash 1920
Cr Receivable 1920
3. If subsequently not take (paid after 14 July 20x6)如果后续客户没有使用现金折扣,这时候要调整我们之前记录的销售,之前认为销售的金额是减去了折扣的,所以现在要调增:
Dr Cash 2000
Cr Receivable 1920
Cr Sales 80
1. At 1 July 20x6. If A expected the customer B will NOT take the advantage of the early settlement discount 销售的时候预计客户不会使用折扣:
Dr Receivable 2000
Cr Sales 2000
2. If subsequently take the discount (paid before 14 July 20x6) 如果后续客户使用了这个折扣,调整之前确认的销售:
Dr Cash 1920
Dr Sale 80
Cr receivable 2000
3. If subsequently not take (paid after 14 July 20x6) 如果后续客户没有使用这个折扣:
Dr Cash 2000
Cr Receivable 2000