


1 of the two people who have nothing in common became friends. This is not because they liked each other from the beginning, but because they have to work together, help each other.

2encountered in reading up the dictionary is a solution, there is a way to according to the context to guess the meaning of the words.

3 and the hesitation of hard in the book for, you might as well go online and check.

4 if he told the truth, would not have been in such an embarrassing situation.

5 his boss refused to give him a raise, and at the same time dismissed his proposal to the company.

6short, your efforts will be rewarded.
第1个回答  2013-05-17
Two sharing nothing in common have become friends. It is not because they like each other since the beginning but they have worked together and helped each other.

When you run into a new term while reading, one way to know is look it up in the dictionary, another is to guess its meaning among the sentence.

Why don't you look it up online instead of searching it in the book with all the hardness.

If he had been telling the truth, there will not be the embarrass moment like this.

His boss refuse to raise his salary and suggest the company to release his employment contract.

In a word, your hard working deserve a rebund
第2个回答  2011-06-05
第3个回答  2011-06-05