很简单的汉语文段 跪求口语化翻译 四级难度吧别加太生的词了 儿童节中午之前就要 帮帮忙啊~~!!!





人们会买一个大的圣诞树放在家里 也可能买这样一个迷你版的 这种小的圣诞树同样有很多的挂饰可以挑选

人们也会买一些比较传统的东西像圣诞袜 圣诞花圈 拐杖糖



我们的节日购物和西方不太一样,我们国家大年三十都会开到很晚,更不要说圣诞节了 商家会不放过一切商机,用精美的商品和折扣来吸引顾客。圣诞节是一个很好的购物时机 这是一位同学在我人人上的留言 相信代表了大多女生的想法

上个平安夜我们去了王府井 那里有很多有趣的东西比如巨大的棒棒糖 可爱的鹿角和很stupid的帽子


圣诞节是耶稣出生的日子 而复活节是耶稣重生的日子
今天6点之前要 帮帮忙啊大家~~

Next, let me introduce the shopping during the festival

First is Christmas

In the west

Shop early Christmas Eve afternoon will shut, evening generally not open, the second a New Year, generally not open. People in the weeks before Christmas shopping

People will buy a big Christmas tree is put in the home also may buy such a mini version of this small Christmas tree also have a lot of hangings to choose from

People will buy a few more traditional things like Christmas stockings Christmas wreath cane sugar

And of course Christmas gifts

I prefer to send people have music crystal ball

Our holiday shopping and western is different, our country 30 will open late, don't even say Christmas merchants would not pass all business opportunities, with a fine goods and discounts to attract customers. Christmas is a very good shopping opportunity this is a classmate in my everyone the messages on believe represents most girls ideas

Last Christmas Eve we went to wangfujing there are so many interesting things such as giant lollipop lovely antlers and very stupid hats

The panda PAWS I buy is

Next is Easter
Christmas is the day of Jesus was born and Easter is the day of Jesus rebirth
On this day, people will buy eggs