
书面表达(满分25分)请根据下列提示,用英语写一篇短文,阐述手机给人们的生活带来的利与弊。快捷方便,人们可随时随地联系;功能越来越全,可满足不同人群的需求,如发短信、上网等;电磁辐射有害健康;接到打错的电话也要付费。注意:1. 可适当增加内容、使内容连贯; 2.词数:100左右 3. 参考词汇:辐射 radiation ; 上网 surf the Internet

One possible version;
As we all know, more and more people own mobile phones in China. The number will reach up to a large amount.
People have found mobile phones very convenient. They can get in tough with each other wherever and whenever they are. There are many different functions for different needs, such as sending short messages and Surf the Internet. However, they may also bring us some trouble. For example, you will have to pay for a wrong number, and the radiation from the phone may do harm to our health. In spite of this, the number of people having mobile phones is still increasing fast
