

We humans, like animals, thinking, feeling, also have their own way of life, more freedom.
We are free to destroy animals under without the consent of their habitat; under without their consent freely damage their bodies; under without their consent privately determine their death. We have considered whether their feelings, whether they have thought about the idea, ever thought their lives when they themselves have decided to end it.
We humans are now advocating cherish life, cherish life. Our human life is very precious, do not kill animals, it should be cherished. Perhaps we want to die, but humans have no right to choose the time, but such things are few ah. We would not be able to animals as a part of our humanity, as our friends, as we treat it as a family.
We are now getting higher and higher living standards, more and more developed information on the material life and spiritual life are increasingly high requirements. But our material life whether it would be "good for eating wild animals," this one get rid of it. Now there is that you can eat wild animal longevity; also say eat wild animal nutritious; some say eat wild animal brain good. I think this may be right, but humans can not follow blindly, some animals are carcinogenic.
Moreover, do not say this, even if wild animals eat is good for us, but human beings have not thought about that when we enjoy the slaughter of their time, our human death is also fast approaching it? I think as long as people read the book on the "food chain" the word is not familiar with it? Once the food chain is broken, it means that biological large family will be the fastest speed disappear on Earth, mankind will eventually fall dead end. Wait until the human retribution, I am afraid has no room for turning back, right? Everyone knows that the maxim - the world is no regret to buy medicine. Why you know what it can not to think about, think about, to carry out a little bit? As long as we always remember these words, always thinking about going down to practice it, when we see that innocent creature on the table when there will be very happy that they want to eat it? It would have made such a big mistake it?
2012 "doomsday" will not necessarily happen, but if we do not protect our environment, protect our precious wildlife, I am afraid it will not happen by the end of the world will become uncertain affirmed bar.
Now the world's plant and animal species are at maximum speed to disappear from the earth, and sometimes even a species disappear every minute. If we continue with this trend, human Do not go away it can not imagine human beings Could it ever be for the future it intends to do next? Is it not going to look at what it really is not going to do the next long-term development of mankind it for future generations? We are now living happy, not for food and clothing, the information superhighway is developed, these are our ancestors left behind, and these are their hard struggle come. As offspring, do we want their results so destroyed it? The quality of our children will not have it so? You must take their performance to destroy it?
Thus the destruction of Earth, mankind Do not feel pity it?
Therefore, in order to long-term development of mankind, cherish the protection of wild animals, cherish our happy life, the ancestral further develop the outcome.