

Sydney is a holiday is a good place, why not think about going to Sydney on holiday? Sydney is one of Australia's most famous city, It in a graceful coast and buildings is famous, in Sydney can do many recreational activities, don't forget to bring some lightweight clothes, because there right now is summer.
Enjoy your holiday!

BTW. 慷慨解囊是形容极其大方地在经济上帮助别人,用在这里不合适,你可以选择助人为乐。
第1个回答  2011-01-30
Why not consider to Sydney vacation?
Sydney is Australia's most famous cities; it to the beautiful coast and is known for building
in Sydney you can do a lot of leisure activities
do not forget to bring some light clothing, because it is summer there at this time。
第2个回答  2011-01-30
If you would like to go travelling in Austration, why don't you think about Sydney? Sydney is the most famous city in Australia because of it's beatiful coast and famous architects. There are also many leisurement there, for example swimming, water surfing, diving and maybe just lie on the beach to get yourself tan. By the way, please don't forget to bring some confortable summer clothes since they have an opposite season there. Enjoy!