
1.学生对老师的话感到兴奋The students________________
2.因为下雨,他迟到了Hewaslate___________theheavy rain
3.那小女孩害怕从自行车上摔下来The little girl _______the bike
7.我们费了很大劲才找到他的电话号码We________his phone number

The students are excited about what teacher said.
He was late because of the heavy rain.
The little girl is afraid of falling from the bike.
What if I am lost?
They spent three months in travelling around the world.
The best way to improve english is reading and writing.
We tried our best to get his phone number.
第1个回答  2011-02-01
1.学生对老师的话感到兴奋The students_are interested in the teacher's words_______________
2.因为下雨,他迟到了Hewaslate_because of __________theheavy rain
3.那小女孩害怕从自行车上摔下来The little girl is afraid to fall from_______the bike
4如果我迷路了怎么办?what shall i do if i get lost ?
5他们花了三个月的时间周游世界 they spend 3 months travelling around the world
6提高英语的最好方法是多读多写 the best way to improve english is to write and read more
7.我们费了很大劲才找到他的电话号码We_made great effort to find out_______his phone number
第2个回答  2011-02-01
1. are excited about what the teacher has said
2. because of
3. is afraid of falling from
4. what do i do if i was lost
5. they spent three months traveling the world
6. the best way to improve English is to do more readings and writings
7. went through a lot of troubles to find

第3个回答  2011-02-01
1 The students are excited about what the teacher said.
2 He was late_because of_the heavy rain
3 The little girl _fell off_the bike
4 What if I get lost?
5 They spent three months travelling around the world.
6 The best way to improve English is reading and writing as much as possible,
7 We tried our best to find his phone number.
第4个回答  2011-02-02
1.were excited about the teacher‘s words
2.because of
3.is afraid of falling down