

1. Close (adjective): Describes something that is tight or compact, or that has a short distance between parts. Example: The door was closed tightly.
2. Close (verb): To shut something, often a door, window, or container. Example: Please close the window when you leave.
3. Close (verb): To bring something or someone near to another object or person. Example: She moved close to the mirror to apply her makeup.
4. Close (adverb): In a manner that is near or similar to another thing or situation. Example: The two theories are closely related.
5. Close (noun): A family relationship where two people are related by marriage but not by blood. Example: My wife's cousin is my close.
6. Close (transitive verb): To shut down or end an activity, event, or business transaction. Example: The store closes at 9 PM.
7. Close (intransitive verb): To move or come together to a point of contact or nearness. Example: The window closed with a loud noise.
8. Close (intransitive verb): To terminate or conclude an event or process. Example: The meeting closed with a decision to adjourn.
9. Close (comparative adjective): Comparing two things or people that are close in quality, degree, or relationship. Example: This coat is closer to being waterproof than that one.
10. Close (superlative adjective): Describing the most close of two or more things or people. Example: Out of the two doors, the one on the left is closest to the stairs.
11. Close (third-person singular verb): Present tense indicative form of the verb "close." Example: She closes the book when she finishes reading.
12. Close (past tense verb): Past indicative form of the verb "close." Example: He closed the door behind him.
13. Close (past participle verb): Past perfective form of the verb "close." Example: The window had closed before I could open it.