英语语法达人请进,左边是正确答案,横线上的是我错选的答案,请给出具体原因,以题号为准 ,不胜感激流涕

C3. The school board listened quietly as John read the demands that his followers ____B____ for.
[A] be demonstrating
[B] demonstrate
[C] had been demonstrating
[D] have demonstrated
C4. Ted has told me that he always escapes ____B____ as he has got a very fast sports car.
[A] to fine
[B] to be fined
[C] being fined
[D] having been fined
D6. Prof. Lee’s book will show you ____C____ can be used in other contexts.
[A] that you have observed
[B] that how you have observed
[C] how that you have observed
[D] how what you have observed
B10. Experts say walking is one of the best ways for a person to ____C____ healthy.
[A] preserve
[B] stay
[C] maintain
[D] reserve
D15. A really powerful speaker can ____C____ the feelings of the audience to the fever of excitement.
[A] work out
[B] work over
[C] work at
[D] work up
A16. Before the students set off, they spent much time setting a limit ____C____ the expenses of the trip.
[A] to
[B] about
[C] in
[D] for
B17. According to the psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, wisdom comes from the ____C____ of maturity.
[A] fulfillment
[B] achievement
[C] establishment
[D] accomplishment
A18. From the tears in Nedra’s eyes we can deduce that something sad ____C____.
[A] must have occurred
[B] would have occurred
[C] might be occurring
[D] should occur
D20. Hardly a month goes by without ______B__ of another survey revealing new depths of scientific illiteracy among U.S. citizens.
[A] words
[B] a word
[C] the word
[D] word
D24. There is no reason they should limit how much vitamin you take, _____B___ they can limit how much water you drink.
[A] much more than
[B] no more than
[C] no less than
[D] any more than
A25. Though ____B____ in San Francisco, Dave Mitchell had always preferred to record the plain facts of small-town life.
[A] raised
[B] grown
[C] developed
[D] cultivated

B26. Most electronic devices of this kind, _____C___ manufactured for such purposes, are tightly packed.
[A] that are
[B] as are
[C] which is
[D] it is
A27. As for the winter, it is inconvenient to be cold, with most of ___D_____ furnace fuel is allowed saved for the dawn.
[A] what
[B] that
[C] which
[D] such

C3. The school board listened quietly as John read the demands that his followers ____B____ for.
[A] be demonstrating
[B] demonstrate
[C] had been demonstrating
[D] have demonstrated
C4. Ted has told me that he always escapes ____B____ as he has got a very fast sports car.
[A] to fine
[B] to be fined
[C] being fined
escape doing sth. 逃脱做某事
D6. Prof. Lee’s book will show you ____C____ can be used in other contexts.
[A] that you have observed
[B] that how you have observed
[C] how that you have observed
[D] how what you have observed
what you have observed指代一个名词,一个事物,用that就变成从句了,而这个从句又没有先行词,所以不成立。”这本书会告诉你如何把你所观察到的东西运用在其他地方。“
B10. Experts say walking is one of the best ways for a person to ____C____ healthy.
[A] preserve
[B] stay
stay healthy 保持健康,有点固定搭配吧。
D15. A really powerful speaker can ____C____ the feelings of the audience to the fever of excitement.
[A] work out
[B] work over
[C] work at
[D] work up
A16. Before the students set off, they spent much time setting a limit ____C____ the expenses of the trip.
[A] to
[B] about
[C] in
[D] for
set a limit to / set limits to 对…加以限制
B17. According to the psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, wisdom comes from the ____C____ of maturity.
[A] fulfillment
[B] achievement
[C] establishment
[D] accomplishment
A18. From the tears in Nedra’s eyes we can deduce that something sad ____C____.
[A] must have occurred
[B] would have occurred
[C] might be occurring
[D] should occur
D20. Hardly a month goes by without ______B__ of another survey revealing new depths of scientific illiteracy among U.S. citizens.
[A] words
[B] a word
[C] the word
[D] word
D24. There is no reason they should limit how much vitamin you take, _____B___ they can limit how much water you drink.
[A] much more than
[B] no more than
[C] no less than
[D] any more than
他们没有理由限制你服用多少维生素,就像他们不能限制你喝多少水一样。(any more than实际上是前后两部分进行比较的一种用法)
B26. Most electronic devices of this kind, _____C___ manufactured for such purposes, are tightly packed.
[A] that are
[B] as are
[C] which is
[D] it is

谢谢victorcuper的指点~~17、20题我确实不知道这些词的涵义唉,在此学习了!至于18题,我还以为关键是时态呢 ><
第1个回答  2011-02-12
25:“尽管在旧金山长大”,A选项是被动语态,被抚养大。B不能选,是因为grow up才是长大,grow不是,而且grow是主动语态。