
Traditional Chinese medicine has a long history of 5000 thousand years. It is a summary of the experience of the laboring people over many centuries of struggle against disease. For thousands of years it has played an important part in curing disease and protecting the health of the Chinese people, thus contributing greatly to the growth and prosperity of China, as well as to the world - wide medical knowledge.
Traditional Chinese medicine is based on its own theories and contains a unique system in itself. It holds that man and his natural environment form an organic whole; many diseases are linked with the environment. It also holds that the various parts of the human body form an organic whole. When one is ill, the whole body is affected, so that treatment should emphasize the physical condition of the individual as a whole. It is still today widely used by the Chinese people and the whole world people in treating diseases. It is an integral part of world civilization and a common benefit for all mankind.
Since the founding of New China, Chinese Government have attached great importance to traditional Chinese medicine and laid down a series of principles, policies and measures, aiming to develop traditional Chinese medicine, integrate it with Western medicine and modernize the traditional Chinese medicine. It has progressed greatly over the past thirty years and more. Quite a number of Chinese medical workers have carried out studies on traditional Chinese medicine with modern scientific knowledge and methods. They have also used combined Chinese and western medical means in the treatment of a number of difficult and complicated cases, which have all shown satisfactory results. At the same time many researchers have studied the basic theories of traditional Chinese medicine such as yin and yang, theory of zang-fu, channels and collaterals, Qi and blood, the four diagnostic methods, the principles of qigong etc, with experimental research methods resulting in considerable progress.
In recent years, more and more people are interested in traditional Chinese medicine. They would like to accept its treatment. They are interested in learning its knowledge and technique to treat patients and studying why it works. Traditional Chinese medicine as a subject has been added into teaching plan in different famous medical colleges. Traditional Chinese medicine clinics and schools are everywhere in the world and increased continuously every year. With the present development of traditional Chinese medicine, its integration with modern science and technology will surely enhance its contribution to human health.

第1个回答  2007-03-20
第2个回答  2007-03-20
第3个回答  2007-03-20
第4个回答  2007-03-20
中药拥有它自己的理论和独特的系统为基础。中医理论认为人和自然环境是一个有机的整体,许多疾病和环境是有联系的。中医理论还认为人的身体的各个部分也是一个有机的整体,当一个人生病的时,全身都要受到疾病的影响,因此治疗一个人的重点总体来说是他的身体条件及其周围的环境。当今在治疗疾病方面中药已被中国人和整个世界的人民广泛接受。中药是世界文明不可或缺的一部分,也是全人类的共同的利益。至从新中国的成立,中国政府一直非常重视中药的问题,并制定了一系列的有助于中药发展的法规、政策和措施,采取中西药相结合,使中药生产现代化。过去的三十多年来,中药的生产取得长足的进步,大量的中医药工作者用现代科学知识和方法致力于中药的研究,他们也一直用西药和中药相结合的方法 治疗大量难而复杂的疾病,这已取得了令人满意的结果。与此同时,还有许多研究者也一直在研究中药的基础理论,例如阴、阳、胀腹理论、经络,气血,四种诊断方法、气功原理等,并且实验性研究方法上已取得了相当大的进步。
近年来,越来越多的人们对中药感兴趣。他们愿意接受中医药的治疗。他们也感兴趣学习中药的知识和科学方法来治疗病人以及研究中药的原理。中医作为一本学科已一直被纳入不同著名医药高校教育课程。 在世界各地处处有中医诊所和学校,而且每年还在不断的增加。随着中医药学的不断发展,中医药学现代科学技术的引进将要必定提高对人类健康的贡献。
第5个回答  2007-03-20
