

101,000 one hundred thousand and one thousand 十万零一千

英语中1000以上多位数的读法:先从个位数开始,每隔三位数用一个分节号隔开,第一个分节号之前读 thousand;第二个分号前读 million(英国读法)或 billion(美国读法)。如:

321,000 three hundred and twenty-one thousand

321,000,000 three hundred and twenty-one million

321,000,000,000 three hundred and twenty one billion


1)百位数 hundred 和十位数及个位数之间通常加 and,如:

108 one hundred and eight 561 five hundred and sixty-one

2)英语中千位以上每隔三位数出现一单位,故无“万”与“十万”,“万”是ten thousand,“十万”是 hundred thousand.如:

20,000 twenty thousand 两万

40,100 forty thousand one hundred 四万零一百

200,000 two hundred thousand 二十万

101,000 one hundred thousand and one thousand 十万零一千

3)百万以上数字均可用 million 表示。如:

6,482,300 six million four hundred(and)eighty-two thousand three hundred 六百四十八万二千三

30,000,000 thirty million

800,000,000 eight hundred million

7,000,000,000 seven thousand million(美语用 seven billion 表示)二百亿

20,000,000,000 twenty thousand million(美语用 twenty billion 表示)二百亿

4)表示确定数目时,hundred,thousand 和 million 须用单数;表示不确定数目时,用复数,后面接 of 短语。如:

三千张课桌 three thousand desks

成百/成千/成百万的人 hundreds/thousands/millions of people

数万士兵 tens of thousands of soldiers
第1个回答  2011-02-13
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