
Many teenagers do not know how to have a good conversation with their parents . They do not feel comfortable . Often they do not know what about you ? Do you happen to have the same problem ? If you do , here are some tips to help you have a good conversation with your parents .

Show interest in them
Good conversations often begin with the question , " How was your day ? This kind of question shows that you are interested in their lives . It creates a warm feeling between you and them .
Be clear
Sometimes it is difficult to say what is on one's mind . Usually , this is because people are afraid . You need to trust your parents . Trust goes both ways ------ when you do not trust a person , it is likely that they will not trust you . Therefore , be honest and say what you want to say clearly .
You need to listen to their advice .You do not always have to agree with them ,but you need to show them respect by listening to them . This will make it easier for you to speak with them .
Be thankful
You need to thank you parents for talking with you . They spend time on you because they always love you .

Choose the best answer
1. This passage is mainly about _____b____ one's parents .
a. being thankful for b. communicating with
c. listening to d. respecting
2. We can show interest in our parents by _____d______.
a. quietly listening to them b. thanking them
c. asking them about their day d. trusting them
3. People sometimes do not speak clearly because _____b______ .
a. they do not know how to speak b. they do not know what to say
c. they are afrid d. it is difficult
4. Listening to others tells them that ____a___.
a. you agree with their advice b. you respect them
c. it is easy to talk with them d. you are thankful for them
5. We need to be thankful to our parents for talking with us because ___d_______.
a . they are old b. they are clever us
c. they trust us d. they always love us

Many teenagers do not know how to have a good conversation with their parents . They do not feel comfortable . Often they do not know what about you ? Do you happen to have the same problem ? If you do , here are some tips to help you have a good conversation with your parents .

Show interest in them
Good conversations often begin with the question , " How was your day ? This kind of question shows that you are interested in their lives . It creates a warm feeling between you and them .

Be clear
Sometimes it is difficult to say what is on one's mind . Usually , this is because people are afraid . You need to trust your parents . Trust goes both ways ------ when you do not trust a person , it is likely that they will not trust you . Therefore , be honest and say what you want to say clearly .

You need to listen to their advice .You do not always have to agree with them ,but you need to show them respect by listening to them . This will make it easier for you to speak with them .

Be thankful
You need to thank you parents for talking with you . They spend time on you because they always love you .

Choose the best answer
1. This passage is mainly about _____b____ one's parents .
a. being thankful for感激 b. communicating with与...沟通
c. listening to倾听 d. respecting尊重

2. We can show interest in our parents by _____d______. 选d错误,应选c,看第二段就知道.
a. quietly listening to them静静听他们说话 b. thanking them感谢他们
c. asking them about their day问他们的一天过得怎么样 d. trusting them相信他们

3. People sometimes do not speak clearly because _____b______ . 根据文章的第三部分,可知道选c才正确.
a. they do not know how to speak他们不会说话 b. they do not know what to say他们不知道说什么
c. they are afraid他们感到畏惧 d. it is difficult这很困难

4. Listening to others tells them that ____a___. 根据倒数第二部分可知应该直接淘汰a答案,正确选项是b.
a. you agree with their advice你同意他们的建议 b. you respect them 你尊重他们
c. it is easy to talk with them跟他们谈话很容易 d. you are thankful for them 你感谢他们

5. We need to be thankful to our parents for talking with us because ___d_______. 选d正确,其实这题是人性题,不可能选错.
a . they are old 他们老了 b. they are clever than us他们比我们聪明
c. they trust us 他们信任我们 d. they always love us他们总是那么爱我们