
还有就单独over the last five years 而言,如果在一个最普通的句子里面,是不是要用完成时态啊?

No two of the specimens were...请问这个no在前面会影响谓语的单复数吗?因为none of...是建议无论后面单复数谓语都用单数的。

还有一个关于”事实”的问题,那如果我说我肚子饿了,这算不算事实,我感觉即便是过去说的不也是实话吗,可基本都是用过去时态的,比如Mary told me that she didn't go to school yesterday,这不也是事实吗?不是说即便前面是过去时态,只要说的内容是事实,内容仍用一般现在时。有点不知如何分辨。望得到指点

哎呀,有个问题没了,补充一下。from to的,一句是From about AD700 to 1600,sculptors created nearly 1000 colossal rock statues on the remote and tiny Easter Island.还有一句,From it's modest beginnings as a series of brief vignettes to it's establishments as the largest-running prime-time comedy series on televions,The Simpsons has transferred the way that ...这边一句是用过去时态,一句用完成时态(貌似这个from to意思不大一样),所以有点疑惑,就想说from to有像ever since之类的暗示时态作用吗?还是纯看语境?

你那么用功我很感动, 很高兴能帮忙。
1. over the last five years中over就是during的意思,所以用不用完成时态完全看内容的需要,这和since 不一样。
2。这个no 应该不会影响单复数,谓语由no后面的名词决定。

哎呀,有个问题没了,补充一下。from to的,一句是From about AD700 to 1600,sculptors created nearly 1000 colossal rock statues on the remote and tiny Easter Island.还有一句,From it's modest beginnings as a series of brief vignettes to it's establishments as the largest-running prime-time comedy series on televions,The Simpsons has transferred the way that ...就想说from to是否有暗示时态的功能?


这个from...to和over, during一样,就是表示在。。。期间,是否用完成式要看实际内容需要。
