根据上下文补全对话,每空一词(10分)A:What are you going to 1 n...

根据上下文补全对话,每空一词(10分)A:What are you going to 1 next Saturday?B:Nothing 2 , why?A:I’m going to 3 a football match. Would you like 4 come?B:I 5 love to, but 6 shall we leave?A:It starts at four in the afternoon. Let’s go at three twenty.B:Oh, I 7 leave before thirty, I have a lot of homework 8 do, 9 I come later?A:All right. I’ll wait 10 you.B:Great! See you!A:See you!

1. do    2. much  3. watch  4. to  5. would  6. when  7. will  8. to  9. May/Can  10. for

1. What are you going to do sth 将要干什么?
2. Nothing much 词组没有什么事
3.be going to do sth    watch a football match 词组
4. Would you like  do?特殊句型你将喜欢做什么?
5. 特殊句型一般将来时I would love to=I’d love to (help you).我很乐意帮助你,        6. when  shall  we  leave?我们将什么时候离开呢?
7. 一般将来时will 
8.have  sth  to  do 固定句型不得不将要做某事
9. May/Can I come later? 固定句型
10. wait  for 固定词组等待
第1个回答  2018-10-18
1. do    2. much  3. watch  4. to  5. would  6. when  7. will  8. to  9. May/Can  10. for
1. What are you going to do sth 将要干什么?
2. Nothing much 词组没有什么事
3.be going to do sth    watch a football match 词组
4. Would you like  do?特殊句型你将喜欢做什么?
5. 特殊句型一般将来时I would love to=I’d love to (help you).我很乐意帮助你,        6. when  shall  we  leave?我们将什么时候离开呢?
7. 一般将来时will 
8.have  sth  to  do 固定句型不得不将要做某事
9. May/Can I come later? 固定句型
10. wait  for 固定词组等待
第2个回答  2018-11-11
6. when 7. will 8. to 9. May/Can 10. for
1. What are you going to do sth 将要干什么?
2. Nothing much 词组没有什么事
3.be going to do sth watch a football match 词组
4. Would you like do?特殊句型你将喜欢做什么?
5. 特殊句型一般将来时I would love to=I’d love to (help you).我很乐意帮助你, 6. when shall we leave?我们将什么时候离开呢?
7. 一般将来时will
8.have sth to do 固定句型不得不将要做某事
9. May/Can I come later? 固定句型
10. wait for 固定词组等待
0 2

LV.4 推荐于 2017-09-28
1. do 2. much 3. watch 4. to 5. would 6. when 7. will 8. to 9. May/Can 10. for
1. What are you going to do sth 将要干什么?
2. Nothing much 词组没有什么事
3.be going to do sth watch a football match 词组
4. Would you like do?特殊句型你将喜欢做什么?
5. 特殊句型一般将来时I would love to=I’d love to (help you).我很乐意帮助你, 6. when shall we leave?我们将什么时候离开呢?
7. 一般将来时will
8.have sth to do 固定句型不得不将要做某事
9. May/Can I come later? 固定句型
10. wait for 固定词组等待
0 6 3

idea with going afternoon(也可以是morning) early at 楼上的错了how about后面应该是动词ing形式
5 浏览262
补全对话 根据上下文把下面的对话补充完整。(共5个小题,每小题2分)A: What are you going to do after
小题1:I’ve no idea 小题2:Where would you like to go?小题3:Have you ever been there?小题4:Neither have I /I haven’t been there, either.小题5:Why not ride a bike? 小题1:后句的含义为你有一些注意吗,所以本句的含义为我也不知道测试后将做什么,故本句空格处填I’ve no idea。小题2:下句的含义为我想要去有趣的和兴奋的地方,所以本句的含义为你想要去哪里,故本句空格处填Where would you like to go?小题3:下句的含义为不,我没有去过那里,所以本句的含义为你曾经去过哪里吗,故本句空格处填Have you ever been there?小题4:上句的含义为我没有去过长沙公园,所以根据后句可知本句的含义为我也没有去过,故本句空格处可以填Neither have I /I haven’t been there, either.小题5:后句的含义为骑自行车是一种好的锻炼方式,所以本句的含义为为什么不骑自行车,故本句空格处填Why not ride a bike?
浏览42 2016-10-06
补全对话(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)A:Hi,Ann.What are you going to do this weekend?B: 小题1:__
小题1:I’m going to a concert.小题2:Would you like to go with us?小题3:How much is the ticket?小题4:I can’t afford it.小题5:That’s a good idea. 试题分析:短文大意:本文主要记述两个同学打算听音与会,但音乐会的票太贵,他们承担不起,于是打算卖花筹钱的对话。小题1:联系上文What are you going to do this weekend?你这个周末打算做什么?可知下文会回答做的内容,故答I’m going to a concert.,我打算听音乐会。小题2:联系上文及后文回答Sure,I’d love to,当然,我想去。可知上文询问是否想去听音乐会,故答案是Would you like to go with us?你想和我一起去吗?小题3:联系下文回答80元,可知上文询问票的价格,故答案是How much is the ticket?票的价格是多少?小题4:联系前文it’s too dear.I’m afraid,太贵了,我恐怕···,可知答案是I can’t afford it.,我付不起。小题5:联系上文We plan to sell flowers to raise money,我们计划卖花筹钱。另一个人赞同,故答案是That’s a good idea.好主意,表示赞同。
6 浏览670 2017-10-14
1. do 2. much 3. watch 4. to 5. would 6. when 7. will 8. to 9. May/Can 10. for
1.idea 2.something 3.Yes 4.go 5.where 6.7.what time 8.in 9.well 10.see
第3个回答  2020-04-23