英语高手帮帮忙 帮以下文字翻译成英语。。一共3段,拜托了~~!!

一天,我班级去一个小村庄参观, 那是一座远离城市,非常和平的小村庄,那里的人很热情好客, 活的很简单,他们都住在石屋里,那里的天气在白天的时候天气很热, 到了晚上却非常的寒冷。
来到村子以后由以为村子里的女导游带我们参观, 这里没有汽车,没有高楼大厦,可以说很落后,可是人们看起来似乎很幸福。 道路使用石头铺成,很宽,走在路上可以闻到食物的味道听到属于村庄独特的音乐。
傍晚女导游带我们进石屋里参观,那是一座看起来像是天然形成的石窟,有高高的门还有窗户,石窟里很明亮,该有的家具都有,我们竟然发现他们用电灯,还有电插座,我们一直以为他们一定是用蜡烛什么的,没想到是用电。 走进厨房,我们看到有冰箱,水碗槽等等。墙壁很光滑虽然凹凸不平,墙壁凹的地方他们用来放罐子等等。

One day, my class went to tour a small village. It was a village far from the cities, and is very peaceful. The people there are passionate and hospitable. They all live in stone houses, where the temperature is very high during the day, but is very cold when the night comes.
When we reached the village, a female tourist lead our tour. There is no cars here, and no skyscrapers. One can say that it is very under developed, but the people seemed to be very happy. Roads are paved with rocks, it is wide. When you walk on the street, you could smell the flavour of foods, and hear music which belongs distinctively to villages.
At nightfall, the female tourist lead us to visit the stone house. It looked llike a natural rock cave, with high reaching doors, and windows. The rock cave is very bright inside, with all necessary appliances. We unexpectedly found out that they actually use electrical lights, and electrical plugs. We always thought that they must be using candles, and not the electricity that came into our surprise. Walking into the kitchen, and we saw that there is refrigerators, and sinks etc. The wall was very smooth, despite being uneven. They store things like jugs at the place where the wall caves in.
Even though this place looks to be very behing, but compared with a large city, here is very quiet and peaceful. There is no noise of cars, and no strong pollution.

ps, 这个同样的问题被问了两次?